Tuesday 27 August 2019

Still Sick...

Yeah, I'm still fighting this damn cold. The nose is drying up, but I still feel as if I'm coughing up a lung. My head is still pounding and my ears are ringing like nobodies business, and somewhere along the way, I lost my sense of taste. I'll be glad when everything is back to normal. Even Emily is still trying to shake off this cold as well. I blame her for giving it to me.

It's all overcast here today. I hope we get some rain, we surely do need it. The grass all around us is as dead as a doornail.

One of the houses across the road is going to be moved out today/night. Not sure where it's going to. I just hope another house goes in and they don't build a block of flats/units.

Grace (my granddaughter) just went through some teething and went from having 4 teeth to having 12 teeth. So she has been a cranky little miss for the last few days. I say feed her what she likes as she is off eating at the moment except for chicken nuggets, coloured popcorn, and chocolate. 

The chicken noodle soup I cooked was good━not that I could taste it, or really smell it━but my mum told me it tasted really yummy so that was a plus. I was afraid I was going to overcompensate with the spices because I couldn't taste if there was or wasn't enough.

The weather is starting to warm up here. So hopefully, it will be time to pack the jeans and jumpers away for another year. I much prefer wearing shorts and skirts. hell of a lot easier when it comes to washing day as well. Yeah, I'm bitching and complaining, but what else is new?

I still haven't heard anything about covers yet, but considering everyone is probably getting ready for GRL then I won't here until after that is over and done with... or is that already been and gone? With being sick I've kind of lost track of what's been going on with everyone.

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