Monday, 11 November 2013


Day 1 of exercises are over and done with, and let me just say that I hate push-ups... There is no way in hell that my body can do them in the shape I'm in... I got through three... I'm supposed to do 10 reps of a set of 3 Push-ups wit 60 seconds in between each rep... so not going to happen - I think they're something I'll have to work myself up to. On a brighter note: I could do the rest of the exercises... not great with the balancing ones but I did them.

Now I'm off to get some more of my NaNoWriMo done - Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Busy as...

Why is November always so fricken busy that I always end up falling behind on my NaNoWriMo? I have no clue either, but I vow in the next couple of days I will catch up and stay on track...

I dismantled the double bed in the spare room and replaced it with a single bed and trundle that converts into a double bed when needed... much more space in the room which has become my closet.

I start on my diet and exercise routine tomorrow. So I'll keep you all informed on how I'm going - everyone needs a support group and you've all just become mine. I have exercises and a diet to follow... I might find the diet a bit hard to follow as I don't eat some of the ingredients - but I'll make do. 

As the saying goes - I'll never know unless I try.

The new nutritionist took some measurements:
  • Shoulder Circle = 130cm
  • Waist = 103cm
  • Weight = 105.2KG (231.92lbs)
  • Height = 168cm

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Book Review...

Good or bad I will let you choose. Though I would like to say that many of the things that have taken place in this book have really happened inside my family...unbelievable as it seems. I did change names and places so my family stays partially hidden. 

Book 2: Beautiful Goodbyes does in fact start where this book leaves off... though Book 2 is not about Ray & Viv even though they are still very present in the book, and book 2 is not a HEA. I can't even class it as a HFN it's more a filler book so what happens in 3,4, & 5 make more sense.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Woo-hoo! Contract signed.

This morning I woke up to the best surprise in my inbox... A Contract waiting to be signed with MLR Press for the The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows... I can't wait for you all to read the next instalment of Michael Marsden's life. I should start edits in just over a month. I now have to fill in blurb forms and cover art requests.

I'm also staying on track with NaNoWriMo - The Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood. I've just started writing chapter four.

Dang it - I just took the bins out to the curb to be emptied and got attacked by ants and bitten all under the ball of my left foot. Fricken hell, it hurts like a bitch... I'm allergic to ants. So now waiting and watching as my foot swells up (not deathly allergic which is a good thing.)

Monday, 4 November 2013

So fricken hot...

It is so fricken hot where I live today that even the air-con isn't doing it's job. Though, I've noticed the cats are all with me in my office as it is now the coolest room in the house. I've had to tape up a huge sheet of cardboard in my office window until my hubs can either fix the screen he broke or replace the lower windows with wood... I am tired of my feel getting sunburnt.

Today I'm back to working on my NaNoWriMo story Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood. It is coming along nicely over the next two days I hope to catch up and get back on track to finishing on time.

FUCK!!! I have the worst cramp in my right upper arm it is burning like crazy...Bring on the Ice Gel spray and get rid of that sucker.

Okay enough chatting for today I have to get back in and get some more writing done... Before I forget here's an update on Experimentals: Blessed With A Curse will be in formatting in about two weeks... The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows is being looked at now, and The Gaean Prophecies: Admetus Gaea is still waiting for the editor to accept it.

Sunday, 3 November 2013


Why is life so strange that sometimes even I have to shake my head and wonder: Now why the hell did you just do that? Like,  why am I thinking all these questions when I should be concentrating on my NaNoWriMo?

These hands are they evil or innocent?

What's the story behind the tattoos?

Is he hiding from something or expressing himself?

Do the Tattoo's cover his whole body or just his hands?

Long hair or short hair?

What's the colour of his eyes?

Human or some other paranormal/supernatural being?

Friday, 1 November 2013