Thursday, 26 April 2012

Brain Farts & Promo Items.

It is 7:19 am in the morning and my brain hasn't really kicked in yet. Mainly because the wonderful Dan Skinner sent me some more wonderful character pictures for perusal hence the reason I am having a brain fart.

I have been told that The Lines of Marsden: Rules Are Meant To Be Broken has gone off for Galley Proofing at MLR, and I have until August to tidy up book two: Living in Shadows (three months is doable, right?). I am lucky as the story is basically written I just have to remove a couple of the characters and bring Doyle into it more ~ Have I told you lately how much I love Doyle? Every one will love Christian or Michael but Doyle just has something about him that makes me want to hug him.

LiS follows straight on from RAMTBB, and then book Three will follow straight on from there and it is called: Pools of Amethysts. it will round out the first major hurdle that the Lines of Marsden has to face.

I am happy to announce that Sue Main has kindly agreed to beta for me on this one. I need a little bit of sanity in the rush that is about to come our way. I have Yoda (Jim Adkinson) as my other beta and between the two of them I am sure they will keep me on track. Luckily the Lines of Marsden is a project I hold close to my heart so I will give it my all. One of these years I will have to write a companion for this series so you can see my thought process of how this all came about.

And as for the promo portion of this post ~ I am still trying to work out what to do for GRL, Erica and I did one thing as a duo and now I have to work out what to do as an individual I am thinking Postcards or trading cards with two of my covers on them. What do you think?


  1. WOW the picture is awesome!! And AACCCKKK on the book going to proofing. Yes 3 months is enough time for you to fix the book and start two I am so helping you out.

    1. Luckily the book is almost done I start edits on When Souls Collide soon and I am finishing up edits on One Last Kiss Goodbye.

  2. the photo is fantastic..oh and this early in the morning most of us are still asleep..I say trading cards...

    1. that was what I was thinking but I can't find Trading cards listed anywhere (only business cards is that the same thing?
