Friday, 20 April 2012

Today In The Life Of...

Today I am not doing edits for once as, the three books are in the respective hands of the editors I work with  - though I will probably be busy as next week.

I have taken this opportunity to do one last read through and fix of Windblown Kisses: My Knight In Tarnished Armour, before I send it out for submission.

I have also received and returned the contract to MLR for When Souls Collide. It is for their Father's Day Anthology I haven't seen the cover yet but I'm sure it will be good. It will be released around the American Father's Day - in June. That's the right month isn't it? I have no clue.

I am also getting ready to convert the second book in The Lines of Marsden which is: Living in Shadows. I have some minor character changes to make. Why? Because I want to LOL. I even bought some wonderful pictures to use as the Cover.(Yes from Dan Skinner) Again why? Because Dan is fricken brilliant!