Friday 30 June 2017


So this is is what's been going on inside my head for the last couple of days... well, actually, there hasn't been a great deal going on to tell the truth.

1→ I've been looking after Droogie (my male cat) who is feeling better, but still not 100%... I hope he picks up soon. mind you he is 16.5 years old so he's getting up there in age.

2→ I have to stop Willow (my female cat) from thinking that every time I set my cup of tea down that it gives her free rein to drink it while I'm distracted.

3→ I've been going back through the start of book 4 in The Lines of Marsden: The Trail of Red Roses and adding in perspective from one of the main characters as I realised I left him out of the first six chapters... Yes, and don't I just feel like a drongo.

4→ Emily's eye specialist appointment went well... no change from the last time we were there so all is good on that front. At least it was a quick visit this time, and all the staff working there were really lovely.

5→ We got a lovely bit of rain last night. it would have made for a great backdrop for sleeping if the damn cats hadn't have been restless and wanted to go in and out of the house so much. I will be glad when it's warm enough for them to spend the whole evening out on the front veranda. they keep me awake all bloody night scratching at the door. Oh to have the life of a cat... they sleep all day and play all freaking night long.

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