Saturday 20 June 2020

Spring... well, winter cleaning.

I've been slowly going through all my crap again and getting rid of more stuff I don't need. I don't know why I hold onto all of it. I'll never use it again, yet here it sits collecting dust and taking up space and I'm wondering why. So, it's definitely time to declutter.

I learnt that after having my 2-year-old granddaughter hear for about a week, she got into everything and found things I didn't even realise I still had. So it's definitely time for them to go. On a good note, she also found some of my missing story (series) notebooks. I'm glad to have those back.

Tomorrow, Miss Daisy (my granddaughter's cat) gets to go home. So Robson will lose his playmate, but I bet Oliver will be able to relax without the other two driving him insane all the time.

Also, the new health regime that I promised I'd start with my daughter starts today. I promised we'd stick at it for a year. Not a diet, just eating better and less at each meal. and exercising. Wish us luck. 

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