Tuesday 13 December 2022

Touching Base...

I'm still not feeling 100%. I'm hoping after my specialist appointment on 06-Jan-2023 that I'll start to turn everything around. Even if it can alleviate my migraines just a fraction I would be happy. But knowing you're on the wrong dosage of medication, and still having to take it until you see the specialist is doing my head in, which doesn't help with the headaches. Then my back is playing up again, my right ear still hurts, and for some strange reason, the soles of my feet are burning. I know, I know... quit complaining and talk about something interesting.

Well, I survive a spider attack, that sucker was huge. It almost got in my car, and now it's under my car just waiting to get me again. I might have to carry a big can of bug spray... Yes, I still don't like spiders. I just don't understand how they can run so damn fast.

We had another storm last night, and you'll be happy to know that we didn't lose any electrical stuff this time - though I did unplug the tv just to be on the safe side.

We got a new handrail put on the steps out the back (which is really our front door - but seeing as no one except us uses it, it's the back door.)

19 days until the end of the year. So 19 days to get all of my stuff in order before I start writing again. I'm still going through all my handwritten notes. There are just so many. I'm trying to get them all typed into the computer. I've also been trying to update all of my series files etc. Wish me luck.

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