I've been having the strangest feeling of late, as if I've been forgetting something important... and for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I don't know how many times this has happened to me of late, and yet I never remember what it is I've forgotten.
So instead, I decided to watch the next episode in The Shadow Hunters on Netflix... it's different from the books, yet so much better than the movie. I've been enjoying it so far.
I still have some clearing out to do until my house is the way I want it to be. Actually it's only minor surplus stuff that I need to go through. I didn't realise just how much office supplies I really had until I moved. So many blank notebooks and loose leaf paper. I guess I'm lucky that I don't have to buy any for at least the next two years. That's even with Emily coming in and permanently borrowing supplies.
At least for the last two days the weather has cooled down a tad. Even though the heat related illness is still running rampant in my little bit of Australia, we at last have a reprieve. I can't wait for it to be cleared up completely. I hate watching it run through the family.
I've spent most of the morning catching up on household chores. Weird just how much satisfaction one can get by doing something so mundane. Yet lately I've been taking so much pleasure in cleaning the house.
Even cooking has become fun again. I like trying new recipes, just seeing if I like the food or not. So much of the preparation is so calming to me. The only downside is my cat, Willow thinks that she needs to be fed every time I walk into the kitchen. I've also spent time cleaning the pantry out and only stocking things I actually use. I get sick of having to get rid of stuff that goes out of date and I have to end up replacing it. Even though I don't eat huge meals anymore... I still enjoy creating each and every meal.
I love being in my new house. I love the fact that it's mine, (well not technically seeing as I don't own the building ─ my brother and his wife does). This house for me is really is a relaxing place to be. I really couldn't wish for anywhere else to be while going through court and everything else to do with the separation from my ex-husband.
I'm hoping that this year is the last of the hard years for me. But wanting it to be over isn't good enough. Sometimes we have to endure the bad shit in life just to find the good. I believe that things can only get better, even if we have to walk through hell to get there. I know everyone has problems.. some less and some more difficult than mine, but with just a little bit of faith in ourselves I know we can get through the worst of what life throws at us. If needed we can lean on each other to help us through the hard times. I believe in each of you as much as I believe in myself. On that note I'll catch you all in the next day or so.