Sunday 10 November 2019

This is Me...

I've just finished galley proof edits on Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy and sent it back. Hopefully, I'll have a release date to share with you all soon.

I'm still doing NaNoWriMo... though due to the galley proofing, I'm a couple of days behind so now I have to play catch up to be able to finish Sons of Evenmore 3: Fear the Scarlet Moon, & start Wardens of the Guild 3: Heartstrings... Wish me luck.

I'm having both good days and bad days with my back. I now have an exercise plan in place. Though, I want to run through it with my doctor before I start in case I have the wrong ones. There were two lots on the rehabilitation site and I'm not sure which ones I'm meant to be doing.

I'm not in the path of the fire that is going on around my area, so for the moment I'm safe and so is my family that live around here. We might not be getting the fire, but we are getting tons of dust storms. Everything is covered in dust in my house, which means once the dust has finally blown away and settled down we'll all have to spring clean and wash/wipe out the whole house again. I only did this about a month ago when the last dust storm rolled through town.

Though I have to ask... why is it when my life is so hectic, we could almost call it out of control. New story ideas are trying to push their way to the forefront of my mind demanding attention? Don't they know I just need a little space to finish off the current WIPS for the year without starting something new?

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