Wednesday 20 August 2014

Books That Have Inspired Me To Be A Writer

David Eddings wrote one of the best characters I have ever read: Sparhawk. I've always wanted to be able to write someone who was so fricken awesome. I must admit this series is a constant re read for me (actually I love all of David's work). I loved how intricate the world was and how well it all seemed to seamlessly fit together. Hell, I even loved his badguy/girl characters. there was just something morally right about Sparhawk, even when he had to do something not quite legit he did it in a way that showed deep down the man was still the real thing...A man of honour...A man of worth.
In this book: Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley... I saw that women characters can be strong. Scarlett truly redeemed herself in this book in my eyes. Don't get me wrong I still love Margaret Mitchell's: Gone With The Wind (it will forever be a classic read). I just didn't really like Scarlet that much in Margaret's book. I loved how she went back to the homeland and became the head of the whole O'Hara family without even realising what she had done...If you haven't read it then I suggest you do... the book was way better than the mini series.

Paul Zindel's: The Pigman is one of the first authors I read where I actually wanted to sit there and read the book from the beginning when I had finished it. I read this book in high school and even though I wasn't that crash hot in English (lets face it I still suck at punctuation) I just loved this story. My favourite scene is where the two teenagers involved cook the dinner. To be honest I don't even think it was my class who was reading it. I think it was my nieces as my class was doing Shakespeare.

Diana Gabaldon's: Outlander series... sucked me in from the very first page. Seven books in with a spin off into the life of Lord John and I was hooked. I loved Jamie Fraser from the get-go. Then the other characters started becoming real to me... Murtagh, Young Ian, Fergus, Jenny and so forth. This is a writer who made me want to go and explore all the places mentioned in her books. I have a list of things I need to see when I finally get to Scotland. I loved the way the characters all were special in their own ways and could have happily read many spin offs about each and every one of them.

Dean Koontz is one of the best horror writers for me. I can honestly say this man made me afraid of the dark (it's funny how I can read a scary book, but I can't bring myself to watch a scary movie). There are so many great books by this man that I can't name them all. I'm slowly rebuilding up my collection of his. If I can have an addiction to reading then in my teenage years Dean was mine. I must admit I would have love to have been able to write a character like Odd Thomas. I just loved the way Odd's mind worked.

In this series The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine... I was fascinated by the ruling/protection system they had in place. Mind you I was drawn to the weird characters:- Mernin is one of my favourites... I loved the fact that he was so smart he was crazy... or maybe that was just the sickness effecting him. I also thought it was great how even the good guys could come off as a little less than perfect. To me that alone gave this series another depth. The fact that the secondary character's were jus as important as the main ones was an added bonus as well.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Beautiful According To Me ~ 6 Character Inspirational Pictures

Jonathan Rhys Meyers will always be one of the most beautiful people to me... Whenever I see a picture of him or see him on TV/Internet I immediately want to start writing on the next instalment of The Lines Of Marsden. He is, who when I first saw him knew right off the bat he was both my Michael and my Benj Marsden.

Weirdly he is also my Ray Connelly from The Connelly Chronicles.

I have no clue who this guy is, but when I was looking for character imagery for The Gaean Prophecies... this is how I pictured Lord Jondalar Arandad he is one of the main characters and Rules over Meadow Run/ Gustave Castle... he is one of the leaders of the Elven Kind.

A friend sent me this picture of these two models and they soon became my twins Jordan & Jaxx Adams who belong in Pack Matters but also make cameos in both Watson Falls & Sons Of Evenmore.

This guy is who inspired my character Chase Williams from Lancaster's Way 2: A Different Way Of Seeing. There's just something about him that called to me. I had this picture picked out before I even had Riley & Noah picked out for the first book.

Saw this guy somewhere and he became my character Linc O'Hare from the series Experimentals... he's one of my main characters in book 2: Running Into Zero Tolerance. At the moment he's on hold until I can get two other projects from under my belt.

I saw this face ( It was the eyes that sucked me in) and instantly knew I had found my Carlo Bruenelli  from A Moon-Runner Story: Carlo's Christmas Wish (originally titled A Moon-Runner Christmas). But am currently expanding for re release.

Monday 18 August 2014

I'm Sick & Other News...

4 days I have been away due to this stupid flu kicking my arse... I wish I could stop coughing long enough to breathe without it hurting.

I hate being sick, but who doesn't? I hate taking the medication that I need to make me better. I tell you my mouth is sore from sucking on soothers and throat numbing lozenges. I swear to God if I never see another tissue again it will be too soon.

My brain feels like it's been dislodged from all the sneezing, and at one stage my family thought I'd broken my ribs, but lucky for me it was just pulled muscles from coughing. Hurts like hell though.

But onto OTHER NEWS Okay, I have no clue what the other news is so I'm going to ramble for a while... after 4 days away I had 2000 emails waiting for me to go through... and out of that 2000 I probably only needed about 20 or so.

OMG!!! it is so windy here that the door of my hubs shed blew open and buckled a fraction, so I can't close the damn thing (it's fricken huge - so tall). The next door neighbour helped me finally push it closed and try and wedge it shut. Emily has to come home from work and try and ratchet/tie it shut...  In the end after Em and I tied it shut we had to park one of the work trucks in front of it as I don't think I tie job is gonna hold.

That in essence is my drama filled day... now I'm off to do some writing on my super secret project for MLR (yeah, the one that I don't know if this is a secret or not).  I will give you more details when I find out what's the go... just give me a week or so to get over my flu.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Right Now & Coming Up...

Well that damn irritating cough seems to be well on its way to turning into the flu... I feel like crap, and we all know that when I feel this way I have a tendency to ramble... a lot.

But on the upside... we also know that being sick is when I'll get a bunch of new story ideas.

Right now... I'm working on: A Moon-Runner Story: Carlo's Christmas Wish. Which I have to admit that even though it basically follows the same story line as the original (A Moon-Runner Christmas) there are some big changes and a whole lot of added wordage happening. I'm also working on The Diamond Rose 1: Undiscovered Hearts... Hoping to have both finished over the next couple of weeks.

Co-authoring... Bronwyn Heeley and I are still hashing out the basis of The Hunted... we are having weekly meetings until we are satisfied that we both know what the hell is going on. As soon as we have something concrete we may let you in on what's happening.

Also in talks with some fellow MLR authors about a new secret project. Well at least I think it's a secret. I'll let you know more on that one when I'm able. I won't really talk about it until I get the go ahead.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

In No Particular Order: 12 Of My Favourite Books & Characters

These are some of my favourite books/series to reread numerous times.
 So I thought I would share their covers with you all.

Love it when a book can move me to tears. Noah Anderson is one of the best characters.

Len Parker - do I have to say any more.

Rory Delaplaines stole my heart in the first chapter. Then Ran Yamane just made the story that much better.

Lost Shifters: Too many to say which, but Shane is my favourite character.

Who doesn't love Brier Blackstone... All I'm saying is: "I found a bug."

All the characters in this book call to me in different ways. Cole Winters just has a way of pulling them all together.

Isaac Dragos - At first I hated him and then I loved him... So awesome when that happens.

Julian Hallowell... My husband banned me from ever reading this book in bed.

Piper (Charles Sylvester Piper, III): Jambi, I'm still waiting in book two.

Rand Holloway... I don't know why I love him so much - I just know that I do.

Kaden James... he just breaks my heart. I just want to hug him all better.

Julio Herendez & Paine Addison just work so well together... Awesome story.

Friday 8 August 2014

OUT NOW ~ Dancing With Demons (Toowoomba Boys 3)

When opposites attract the result can be life changing.

Graham Davenport is trying to better his life. His whole world crashes the day he’s told Damon's missing, and he’s the main suspect—could life get any worse?

Damon Malone was kidnapped, he has no clue why, and his captor isn’t talking. Beaten and bruised he waits to be rescued—fearing he might die.

Working together with detectives, Graham realises there’s more to the story than a simple kidnapping. Will they find the answers in time or will everything be too late? Graham changes his whole life to help Damon fight his demons—in the process will he conquer his own?