Showing posts with label Pride Publishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pride Publishing. Show all posts

Sunday 13 August 2017

Where The Hell...

Okay... I have searched my Dropbox, every memory stick, and even my external hard drive... and I seem to have lost the first 10K of Experimentals 3:Messages From The Dead. that I wrote for NaNoWriMo back in 2015... so when I start NaNoWriMo this year I'll have to start from the beginning... On a good note, I did find in my cleaning up, my hand written synopsis for Messages From The Dead... I just don't know how someone who is as anal retentive as I am about keeping track of shit could lose a story.

Last night I did take the time to take a couple of hours to skim through both #1: Blessed With A Curse, & #2: Running Into Zero Tolerance, and wrote down all the character names getting ready for the big write in November... when I'll be writing 3 & 4: Movements In The Dark back to back. To get both done, I need to write 2,667 words per day for November.

As you can see, I've made it to 5K in The Diamond Rose 2: So Pretty On The Outside... I won't be writing today as I have a family BBQ to attend today... it's going to be fun. The story so far is heading where I thought it might. Though, it's not exactly about who I thought it would be the main characters. At first, I thought it wold be about Tori & Darkan/Goliath... turns out I was wrong. It's two years later, and it's now about Wynn & Teagan... But I'm still hoping you will enjoy the read.

I'm at a standstill on The Lines Of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses... but only until my glasses come back. Because, I know once I start back on it, I won't want to stop, and I can't do that with fuzzy lenses. 

I'll also be starting soon on Wardens Of The Guild 3: Heart Strings... but again I'm just waiting on the glasses. I'll have to go and do the whole write down all the character names for this one too. I'm really bad at forgetting names.

Still no news on Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go... but hopefully I will hear from Fireborn Publishing soon.

Thursday 30 March 2017

More News...

Okay... I had to end up having my antibiotics changed... the good news is my foot is mostly better... the bad news is I had to have a CT scan done so they can get a handle on my migraines... I'll find out the results on Monday when I go back to my doctor. I'm tired of having a constant headache.

I've received and done FLE's on Wardens of the Guild 2: All that Shimmers... I can't remember where it goes now.

Since I've been awake since 1:30 am and after I finished the above I started on Moon Runners 2: I won't Let You Go.

But that's not what had me awake. Cyclone Debbie is having our way and we are all having to get ready and prepare for the worst. We shouldn't get it as bad as Bowen  did... but I don't mind telling you Cyclones scare the crap out of me. I have to run out and get some tarps to cover the bird cage so poor Hector doesn't drown. if worse comes to worse I'll have to bring him inside out of the weather. I think all my animals may be sleeping inside tonight... As it was Droogie and Willow (our cats) came inside at 1:30 when the rain woke me up. Luckily before that they were on the front veranda so not too wet.

They've just closed all SE Queensland schools due to the weather here and the worse that's yet to come. Thank god I don't have school age kids. Emily and Elliot are looking after his sisters 13 year old twins... so they will be heading here this morning and do what they need and then they'll head home before the cyclonic weather gets here.

On that note I will away so that I can organise getting the blow-aways tied down in the yard. I'd hate for anything to do damage to other people property... mind you the stuff isn't mine. I will be back  to to you and tell you I'm alive after everything is over and done with.

Friday 24 March 2017

Today's Updates.

Today I finished and sent back second edits... they were really good because there was really only one thing I needed to address in it.... so it will be off to final line edits next.

Today I'm also going back to the Dr for my checkup... I'll have to ask if the antibiotics are supposed to make me feel so queasy. I also want to find out why tetanus shots hurt for days afterwards. Then I'll be back there next week for flu shots.

The rain clouds are still lingering around... my brother says we are supposed to get rain right through until the beginning of next week. we need the rain so I can't begrudge it.

Flu shot is coming up next week as well. I will make appointments for myself, Mum, and Emily... I swear by the flu shots and since I've been getting them I haven't had bronchitis.

I'm up to the third season of 'LOST', and I have to tell you that it's getting more confusing with each episode. I'm starting to think the whole thing is a dream and Hurley is still in the psych ward. I think all the characters are starting to lose their minds. I tried watching the vampire diaries, but didn't even make it through the first episode.

Why the hell do my cats, Droogie & Willow think it's okay to wake me up at the arse-crack of dawn to be let in, and then proceed sleep all bloody day long. I swear if I die and come back I hope it's as a much loved cat.

Monday 20 March 2017

Talking Edits

I both love and hate doing edits...

+ Side: I get to revise my story where needed.

- Side: I have a tendency to over use words and phrases.

Which gets me to thinking in a 40-45K Novella how many times is too much? for example I use the word was 805 times is that a lot? Probably not, but why do I always seem to use the words a lot in the same pages/scenes? This is my dilemma.  It's driving me nuts because I have to go back through the manuscript and change quite a few of them. I think if they were scattered throughout it wouldn't matter as much.

my other big negative is I get so carried away with the story that I forget to add in descriptions and those pesky little details that the readers need so they can visualise everything the way that I do.

For me first edits suck, because it looks like so much work (where I've screwed up). Where in reality, it's probably the best thing, because when it comes to round two there is a much clearer picture of what actually needs to be done. and I start to see the light at the end of the editing tunnel.

Just so you know, I still suck at punctuation... I can't see myself ever getting the hang of it. I find it all confusing as hell, and I'm thankful everyday for my very patient Editors who have to wade through it all and take the time to correct everything.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Contract Signed.

Wardens of the Guild 2
All That Shimmers

Pre-order 18 April
Early Download 2 May
General Release 30 May

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Catching Up On Life

I think my world has finally come unglued. And I don't even mean that in a bad way. My writing plan for February got dumped on it's arse as we have been hit with heat related illnesses, so now I'm playing the biggest game of catch up ever. Hopefully soon the weather will get back on track and start to cool the hell down. there is a major gastro outbreak, it even has some of the old people homes in lock-down until they can clear up the virus. It's freaking scary. 

I'll hopefully be starting first edits on Wardens of the Guild 2: All that Shimmers soon... with my wonderful new editor at Pride ─ Rebecca B. I have filled in the BIF (Book information form), and am now waiting on the contract.

Today I'm back to working on Moon Runners 2: I Won't let you Go for Fireborn... sadly I have to re read what I've already written to figure out where I'm up to.

The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses for MLRPress is still plodding along, and I'm okay with that. I know it'll get done eventually.

I had to pull out of the Riveting Reads even set for later this year... the why's of it all are too long to get into right now... 

I'm also waiting to hear about the new court date for my case seeing as we had to postpone due to Australian & New Zealand laws not matching up ─ or something along those lines. I'll fill you in when I know more.

I'm still trying to get everything sorted out with Centrelink, but it's still slow going over a year and counting. Hopefully this time I'll have all the information they require. Just when I think I'm done they have more forms for me to fill out.

Other than that life is going well. The family who were here to visit have come and gone back to their own homes. I love my family, but was so glad they weren't here when we all got sick. Mind you in saying that, the gastro outbreak seems to be Australia wide at the moment. On that note I'll away and check in with you in a couple of days.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Pride Plan

Even though there is only a small amount of books here it doesn’t mean that this will be the end of my time with Pride. It just means once I get to the end of the lists for this publisher I’ll be able to think about submitting different stories and series. there will still be 3 more in The Connelly Chronicles, and 4 more in the Destiny House series.

Wardens of the Guild 2: All That Shimmers 01/01—27/01
Wardens of the Guild 3: Heart Strings 29/01—23/02
The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because Of You 24/02—04/05
Wardens of the Guild 4: Gilded Cages 05/05—02/06
Destiny House 1: Saving Shane 02/06—29/06
Destiny House 2: Needing Norman 30/06—27/07

Sunday 8 January 2017

What's Going On #2

I'm lucky my publishers have all been wonderful & understanding over my train wreck of a 2016.

Destiny House: This will be a spin off series I'm starting which will be coming this year (6 books in all). In essence it's a spin off from my The Connelly Chronicles series. The characters from TCC won't be main characters, but will be floating around in the background stories. I want to tell the stories of the young men who come to reside at the refuge GG set up.

The Connelly Chronicles: I love this series and can't wait to start writing it again. Originally I had planned 5 books, but in my year away I came up with a story for one last book, so now there will be 6 I'll have this whole series finished by the end of 2018 because I want to not let too much time to pass between each writing. #3  Dan & Nate, #4 Declan & Sean, #5 Jamie & Bear, #6 Ben & ??? (I'm still thinking).

Wardens of the Guild: I'm still figuring out where I'm heading with this series. I have so many ideas, but not sure which direction I should take to get to my end place. I know #2 is about Eric & Murtagh, but after that I'm still a little hazy.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.
Breathe in—breathe out… I’ve made it to another year and I’m so grateful to be alive… Not that I was dying last year—it only felt like I was. I survived to get my life back on track…
I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions… I guess I know I wouldn’t stick to them…LOL. But I've been thinking a lot about writing, and this is what I’ve come up with:
If I write 6K a day 5 days a week I can write 36 books 34 novellas and 2 novels: 365 (w-days) – 105 (days) X 6K (per day) – 200K (2 novels) ÷ 40K Novellas = 34. But I'll be happy just to make the 22 needed for the PB Challenge. The following lists aren't written in any particular writing order─more just what I plan on working. I'll let you know daily/weekly how I'm doing on my wordage.

Fireborn Publishing: 11 (all 40K)
·      Hidden Hearts 3: Going By the Book
·      Hidden Hearts 4: Couples Cover
·      Moon Runners 2: I won’t Let You Go
·      Moon Runners 3: Something That You Said
·      The Diamond Rose 2: So Pretty On The Outside
·      The Diamond Rose 3: Sometimes it Hurts
·      The Diamond Rose 4: Monsters Like Me
·      The Freedomers 2: Craine’s Everlasting Faith M/F
·      The Freedomers 3: Drake’s Broken Prophecy
·      The Freedomers 4: Finding Arotol’s Destiny M/F
·      The Freedomers 5: Maven’s Guardian Angel

MLRPress: 13 (1 x 100K/12 x 40K)
·       Experimentals 3: Messages from the Dead
·       Experimentals  4: Movements in the Dark
·       Intended Mates 2: Dancing to the Sounds of Madness
·       Lancaster's Way 3: Pre-loved
·       Lancaster's Way 4: Riding Fences
·       Lancaster's Way 5: A Stuart Family Christmas
·       Sons Of Evenmore 3: Fear the Scarlet Moon
·       Sons Of Evenmore 4: Pieces of You
·       Sons Of Evenmore 5: Always Been Yours
·       The Lines Of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses
·       The Lines Of Marsden 4.5: On the 12th Day
·       Toowoomba Boys 4: Securing the Heart
·       Toowoomba Boys 5: Bending the Law

Pride Publishing: 6 (1 x 100K/ 5 x 40K)
·       Wardens Of The Guild 2: All That Shimmers
·       Wardens Of The Guild 3: Heart Strings
·       Wardens Of The Guild 4: Gilded Cages
·       The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You
·       House Of Destiny 1: Saving Shane
·       House Of Destiny 2: Needing Norman

Not Yet Decided: 6 (all 40 K)
·       Quaide's Crossing 1: Meghan’s Way M/F
·       Taking Chances 1: Lie To Me
·       SPAM Inc. 1: Claiming Roxby’s Heart
·       Mountain Made 1: Jessup’s Retreat
·       Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy
·       Guardians Of The Dragon Born 1: Cullen Arianan

Sunday 2 October 2016

The Real You

Wardens of the Guild 1
The Real You
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Releasing: 4 October 2016

The age-old war between good and evil is bringing changes and with change comes fear—especially the fear of what is to come.

Isiah Gillis and Claudius Reynar are twins in every sense of the word. No one can tell them apart, yet they’re not related. Since meeting, they’ve learned that they’ve become the subject of a legend, something neither of them wanted.

Hatred from their past lives comes knocking and tries to kill Claudius and Isiah by turning Mitch into a weapon against them. Instead, Mitch now shares his body with Remi, a powerful demon lord, who enters their lives—a demon Lord who claims them for his own.

Not everyone is happy that the legend has been fulfilled and they will do everything in their power to tear apart the strong bond the four men possess. Laramie realizes he has to separate from Mitch or risk losing one of his mates so completely it could break them all.

When old and new enemies alike step forward to destroy who they are, Isiah, Mitch, Claudius and Remi gather family and friends to fight in the war to save them all. Can things be set to right before evil intentions win?

      Mitch Evans tugged his friend, Eric Meyers, to a stop. “I’m not sure this is such a good idea, mate. When things seem too good to be true, I always end up getting bit on the ass.”
“I think it’s a bloody perfect idea, Mitch. You need somewhere to live and these guys need help with the rent and everyday living expenses.” Eric grinned down at him, which wasn’t hard considering he was almost a foot taller than Mitch.
Still, Mitch needed to get some verification before he took another step. “You said they’re vampires—old vampires. Why don’t they already have money to pay the rent? What’s wrong with them?” Mitch queried. There has to be something wrong with them to be in such dire straits. Why isn’t their day warden looking after them?
Eric stared at him for a moment, probably trying to decide how much he was allowed tell him. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Claudius and Isiah. I promise, they’re really nice, and I know for a fact you’ll get on with them very well. Just give this a chance…please. I need you to do this for me.”
Mitch rolled his eyes at his best friend. “Do Claudius and Isiah even know you’re trying to fob me off on them?” What if they don’t like me? Where will I be then?
“Define know,” Eric asked a little too evasively.
Nervousness hit him like a tidal wave. “Jesus, Eric!” he snapped. They came to a halt outside the door of a small, brick unit. “You really need to stop doing shit like this. You can’t expect us all instantly to get along and play happy families. What the hell is their day warden going to say if I suddenly move into their territory?”
“Mitchell Bryan Evans,” Eric growled, and Mitch knew he was in trouble when he heard his full name. He waited patiently for Eric to continue. An interruption at this point could result in a hissy fit of major proportions. “Okay, I admit I do have an ulterior motive for you moving in here. I’m not just bringing you here for shits and giggles. Jeez, what do you take me for? I’m not that fucking stupid.”
“Then before we go any further, why don’t you tell me what the hell your motives are?” Mitch retorted hotly. He had been played for a fool one too many times to simply walk right into the next disaster. How many times do I need to be kicked to the curb before I get the clue to keep clear of situations like this?
Sighing deeply, Eric answered, “The reason I need you to move in is because Claude and Isiah don’t have a day warden anymore, and even though I hate to admit it, I’m finding it really hard to look after both them and Daven. Besides, I think you’ll love Claude and Isiah if you give yourself the chance to get to know them. They really are the sweetest guys, even if it does drive a person nuts trying to keep track of who is who. Believe me, I’ve been friends with them for over three hundred years and I still mix them up daily,” he said, then turned and used his key to open the door. “Come in. They’ll be getting up soon.”
Mitch let his gaze wander over everything the room held and he soon realized Eric was right. They really didn’t have much of anything. Still, he had to wonder why. What happened to everything they owned? How the hell have they been surviving living like this? “Shouldn’t we have at least waited for Claudius and Isiah to be awake when I enter their home for the first time? I thought you told me vamps were very territorial about people invading their space?” Mitch whispered. He frowned when Eric pulled him through the flat toward what he assumed was the kitchen.
Eric shrugged nonchalantly then opened the door leading into a small bedroom.
Definitely not the kitchen. It took a moment for Mitch’s eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Upon his first eyeful of the two naked figures on the bed, Mitch inhaled sharply. Stepping closer, he saw they were spooning. There was something about the sight which absolutely captivated him.
“They’re…they’re…” He stood there soaking up the sight of the two cuddling men.
“Yeah, it kinda freaked me out at first, and I don’t want to even know how close their relationship really is,” Eric said.
Mitch noticed his gaze never drifted from the bed or its inhabitants.
“What are you talking about?” Mitch whispered, a little perplexed that something so innocent would freak someone out.
“Weren’t you going to say they’re naked and snuggling?”
Mitch snorted. “No.”
“Then what were you going to say? They’re what?” Eric asked.
“They’re stunning,” Mitch answered. A deep blush raced across his body like a fire consuming him. He backed slowly out of the room, pulling Eric after him. He needed to get the hell away from Claudius and Isiah. His body was already giving away more than he was willing to share.
“Wait until you actually meet them. They’re even more gorgeous with their eyes open,” Eric sighed dramatically. The second he seemed to realize his faux pas, his eyes widened in embarrassment. “I meant to a girl. They’d be even more beautiful when they’re awake. Or possibly to a gay guy. Not that I’m saying there’s anything wrong with being gay.” Eric blushed even more profusely. “I think I’ll just shut up now.”
Mitch nudged Eric’s shoulder while he was again led through the unit and into the kitchen. “I think those two would be sexy to anyone. Do I get to see what’s behind door number two?” He pointed in the direction of another closed door that he guessed led to a second bedroom.
“Nah, that’s only Daven, and he gets kinda touchy about people seeing him while he sleeps. It freaks him out, and if he found out, he would be pissed at me. Believe me, that’s something neither of us wants to witness.” Eric walked over to the kitchen bench and filled the kettle. “Come on, I’ll make you a coffee. I’ll even use the good stuff.”
“Are you trying to bribe me, or what?” Mitch chuckled and sat at the table.
“Most definitely.”
Eric made the coffee, and after, Mitch realized he was pulling out bags of blood. He lined them up on the counter to warm, apparently for when their recipients began to stir for the day.
“Why don’t the twins have a day warden?” Mitch asked curiously as Eric went about cooking breakfast. He wondered if he would like taking over the duties of caring for two strangers. It would be hard, but he’d get used to it.
“I should tell you that technically, they’re not twins. Hard to believe, I know. Seeing how they look so much alike. To be honest, I’m not sure they’re even related. I heard someone say once that everyone in the world has someone who is the mirror image of themselves. It’s not often that they find each other, so I bet it freaked Claudius and Isiah out when they met for the first time. In the beginning, they did have a day warden.” Eric scowled. “Gabriel is Isiah’s cousin, but he hates both of them. In his eyes, he was forced into the job of caring for his cousin and for Claude. So, for the past couple of centuries, he’s been trying—unsuccessfully, thank God—to kill them off. He tries something every couple of months. I think Gabriel’s about due to strike again.”
For some reason, that didn’t sit well with Mitch. He wanted to know more and figured the only way he would get answers was to ask. “Can’t someone else be assigned as their day warden? Why did he even take the job if he didn’t like them? How can they look so much alike if they’re not twins? And why did you get lumbered with the job?” There has to be more to the story.
Eric handed him a mug of coffee and sat at the table with him. “It’s not that simple to become a day warden. You need to be bound to your charge for eternity. Plus, you have to have been the one who was with them at their time of change. For example, I became Daven’s day warden because we happened to be in the middle of a fistfight when he went through his change. I actually volunteered to take care of the boys when it became obvious Gabriel wasn’t. Daven is a member of the Guild and he ended up taking Claude and Isiah under his wing.”
Mitch’s eyes widened. “Are you telling me prior to the fight with Daven that you weren’t even friends? Sounds like this Gabriel sucks big time.”
“Good God, no. We absolutely hated each other, hence the fight. The bond between a day warden and their charge is instantaneous and can only be broken by death. While Daven lives, so do I. Just so you know, Gabriel Gillis wasn’t always a dick. Isiah said they used to be really close. After their turning, he went from friend to enemy.”
“But you and Daven are obviously friends now. I’m sure there must be a story behind why Gabriel did what he did,” Mitch stated curiously before adding, “What I really want to know is why do some people change while others don’t? I mean, why Daven and not you?”
“No clue what the story is behind Gabriel. Neither Claude nor Isiah like to talk about him much. And you’re right, Dav and I are friends. Now we’re closer than full-blooded brothers. We’ve been together for five hundred and twelve years. We have no secrets from each other. As to why him and not me, it’s genetics. His family must be descended from the first generation of vampires. Mine are descended from humans…as are yours. Only humans can become day wardens. Mind you, in some families only a few change, while the rest remain human. It’s one of the reasons the guild was formed in the first place. They say they are out to protect us, but I have a feeling it’s more to do with them all being nosey and wanting to know everyone else’s business. Just don’t tell Dav I said that. If you do, I’ll deny everything.”
Mitch frowned. “You still haven’t explained to me how they can look like twins if they’re not related.” Weirdly, his curiosity was getting the better of him. Crap like this always made him leap instead of looking first. His heart was going ‘pick me, pick me’, all the while his brain was telling him to shut the fuck up.
“To be honest, I don’t really know. By all rights they should be twins, except they aren’t. Their names are Claudius Reynar and Isiah Gillis. From what they’ve told us, they never even laid eyes on each other until the day of their changes. Daven thinks when they laid eyes on each other for the first time, it triggered the change, and unluckily for Gabriel, he was the one who happened to be there with Isiah and Claudius. Most people of our world think Claude and Isiah are the two men mentioned in the ancient scrolls. The legend is of two men who are mirror images of each other, but not related, and how they set about changing the way of the world.”
Mitch got the feeling Eric wasn’t telling him the whole truth, but he wasn’t going to push it. Everyone was entitled to his or her secrets. Though, if he took over the care of the two vampires who lived here, then he would be demanding some answers. At a noise from the doorway, Mitch looked up and stared at an extremely beautiful young guy standing there. Hell, are all vampires this frickin’ good-looking? The man’s green eyes were crystal clear, and Mitch got the feeling the guy was seeing inside his soul. He cautiously watched the newcomer head straight for the bagged blood lining the kitchen bench without speaking.
Broody much?
Eric looked up at the newcomer and said, “Hey, Dav, this is my friend Mitch Evans. He’s come over to see about renting the spare room.”
Daven once again turned his icy-green gaze in Mitch’s direction. He didn’t say a word as he poured the blood into a cup. He brought the mug to his lips and drank deeply. Walking over to the table, he then sat and smirked at Mitch. “Well, this should be interesting.”
Mitch felt like a bug under a microscope at the way Daven openly stared at him. It’s lucky Daven is so good-looking, because people don’t realize he has absolutely no tact whatsoever.
* * * *
Isiah woke to the strong scent of a human permeating the air, and he knew immediately it wasn’t Eric. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. He could also detected Eric, but there was someone with him—a stranger. Whoever it was had been in the room while he and Claudius had been asleep. He hated the fact that some stranger had watched them sleep. Strangers never understood the need for closeness between him and Claude. Everyone always immediately assumed they were closely related. No one ever believed they weren’t actually full-blooded twins.
“What’s the matter, Isiah?” Claude asked.
Isiah sighed as Claude tightened his arms ever so slightly around him. Isiah felt Claude freeze when he also must have registered the foreign scent in the air. Releasing Isiah, Claude sat up, turned to him and snapped, “Who the hell is in our home?”
“I don’t know.” Isiah rolled onto his back and gazed up into Claude’s troubled eyes, feeling exactly the same way. “They were in our room. They saw us.”
“I’ll be okay, Isiah. I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise.”
Isiah shivered uncontrollably at his lover’s words. Painful memories of his cousin filled his mind. He didn’t ever want Gabriel coming back and destroying their happiness again. Why couldn’t Gabriel leave them the hell alone? They’d given him everything, then Gabe had turned his back and walked away, and still the bastard wanted them dead. Didn’t his cousin know he and Claude had nothing left to give?