Showing posts with label Story Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story Ideas. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Kris Jacen's Challenge

Okay, as I promised yesterday here is my contribution - please just gloss over the glaring bad editing (as we all know how much I suck at editing).

Hello Darlin'

As the last strains of The Last Fight played out into silence Grey Stevens couldn’t help but feel his whole body fill with intense loneliness. The song was a reminder of what was and could never be again. The last song for the night was inspired by a fan- of sorts. Just someone who sent him long rambling letters about everything and anything – while never once leaving their name; hell he didn’t even know if they were male or female. All he knew was something in the letters called out to him.

“This next one is for a friend I like to call ‘Darlin’, they inspired the very essence of this song, through letters which mean so much to me. Well Darlin’, Anything and Everything is just for you.”

Tapping his foot to the beat he counted of the intro as he stared at the stage, slowly he began to sing as he lifted his head and stared out into what part of the audience he could see. Lately, Grey had been getting the feeling as if Darlin’ was out in the audience watching him and listening to him. So tonight for the first time ever he wanted to give back just a little bit of himself to the one person who seemed to know him so well.

By the time the lights came up for the last time, Grey was already off the stage and making his way toward the sanctity of his dressing room. Photographers and journalists from various publications would be waiting for him, but tonight they could just wait. Grey needed a bit of ‘me time’. A smile graced his face when the first thing he saw was a very familiar envelope lying on the floor from where it had obviously be slid under the locked door.

“Well hello, Darlin’.” Grey whispered as he picked up the much thinner envelope and sat on the couch and tore open the envelope. His body reacting just as it always did when a new letter came. This time instead of the usual three or four page letter there was a single sheet of paper with seven words adorning it:

Thanks for the answers.
Yours always,

Grey gently folded the piece of paper and placed it back in the envelope. He had been right, Darlin’ had been somewhere listening as he sung out the replies to everything he had ever been asked. It felt a little weird knowing he had a friendship with someone he really didn’t know a thing about. His manager Hayden kept telling him over and over the sender was just some crackpot with illusions of grandeur, but in some ways Grey thought Darlin’ was probably one of the most honest people out there – Darlin had shared bits of him/herself without ever asking for anything in return. In his own heart he believed/hoped Darlin’ was man, because he was already partway in love with them. A female would only throw a spanner in the works, considering his body was hardwired to love another man.

“Five minutes,” one of the roadies yelled through the door letting Grey know he had only a short amount of time to get himself presentable for the sea of paparazzi that wanted a piece of him. He knew after the introduction of Anything and Everything, they would all want to know about Darlin’.

What was he gonna tell them?

The truth?

Or make something up to satisfy the masses?

A timid knock sounded at the door breaking into his thoughts. “Enter.”

The first thing Grey noticed was the mop of brown curls framing one of the most gorgeous faces he had ever seen. The man’s slight build made Grey want to pull the guy in for a hug, his body reacting in an instant the moment the other man smiled. The only thing stopping him was the press pass hanging around his neck.

“Can I help you?” Grey asked as he eyed the man. Somehow the nervousness of the man standing before him seemed to set off some sort of recognition. “Hello, Darlin’.”

Grey held out his arms, and waited for Darlin’ to cross the room to fill them. Their mouths met in a furious kiss. Hands exploring what they could, and dimly, somewhere in the back of his mind Grey knew he was going to definitely be late for the press conference.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Lie To Me...

Today I have decided to work on something completely different to what I am supposed to be doing. so after cleaning out my drop box I went through and randomly picked a book to work on -  (pull a name out of a plastic container method).  Lie to Me is the story that I pulled out. So even though I have 30 K of the 45 K story written I am going through and making sure there are no really bad head hopping incidents, (believe me, there are a ton so I am dreading going through the rest of the story. This is one of those crazy-arse stories where I have like three story lines going on. So I have decided to separate them and turn it into three 45 K Novella's.

On A Moon-Runner Christmas I have worked my way through most of the stuff and am waiting for my first lot of Edits I think my editor is Mark Hopkins again, it will be good to argue with him again. Mind you since One Last Kiss Goodbye we have become old friends. I wonder if his favourite things to tell me are REDUNDANT-DELETE-SHOW DON'T TELL. I suppose I will find out soon enough.

Em is getting the last of her chest tattoo (the diamond rose) done today so it should be all good by the time we get to GRL in October. I really must finish writing  the damn book seeing as she has the title now tattooed across her chest. Well, at least it will be good pre- promoing for me, LOL.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

In Case You're Interested...

Okay, it's like this... I have lost the plot on Wind Walkers - I seriously have no idea where I was going with that story. So I am thinking of bringing it to a close and starting on the next chapter Beneath The Rising Tide: Featuring Kai, ? & ? I will have to look up the other two characters names. I have it written down somewhere. (All I know for certain is the note is written on the back of a spiral bound note pad and it is in the office somewhere).

While swapping over two of my bedrooms at home I finally found the notes on The Diamond Rose. Emily had them sitting on her bedside table and here she was blaming me for losing them - HA!

I have updated all my Word Widgets on the blog face so you can all see how much I have done or not done as the case may be thought I am thinking of giving the whole thing a face lift - SHOULD I KEEP THE PICTURES OR SHOULD THEY GO?

My stitches are still in and annoying the hell out of me, but what else is new. Other than that I am basically just trying to catch up on the writing I have fallen behind on, if that makes sense.

Everyday I have new plot bunnies jumping into my head, and I have Vlad filing them for use at further date when I actually have time to think about writing something new.  Everyone tells me to focus on the ones I am doing and at least get them done. So Yeah it is the twelve on my to do list for now I am concentrating on - LOL.

This is for Z Allora in case she missed it on Facebook.
Ain't he pretty, even with the short hair.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Just A Thought

Recently I came across an this blog and had to share:

I thought it had some of the coolest pictures that I have ever seen; There are two pictures of a person in black playing a violin one from the front and one from the back. I know it is a woman, but I have decided to use these images for a man. A very talented man who is also very shy. By dressing as a woman he is able to play to the huge audiences who come to watch him.

I have to admit this is only an Idea at his stage and I haven't worked out any of the details to the storyline. It was just something that jumped out at me when I first laid eyes on these pictures. I just need a title and MC names.

I am sure you will all agree that the pictures alone are just worth the look see. They rest of the pictures there just blew me away - if you like Gothic then take a wander over there and check them out.

Anyway I was figuring that maybe someone in the audience who attends a few shows (okay a lot of shows) realises that the beautiful woman is a man. they could help him to come out so to speak.

They could also help our very shy MC break out of the box he has hidden himself away in for so many years... Well that is my thought pattern so far.

If I think of anything more I will be sure to let you all know... maybe if I remember - I seem to have a brain like a fricken sieve lately.

Friday 22 June 2012

Walk This Way - Sneak Peek

When Jambi gave me the title: Walk This Way and then the characters first names : Shawn & Cory, I had the basis of my story. Then Z wanted emo/goth with just a little bit of cross-dressing thrown in... so now I had some more to my basis... here is a sneak peek:- just remember this has not been beta read so it will be full of mistakes

Sneak Peek.


For Jambi, who gave me the inspiration, the title, and the character’s first names. Without you I wouldn’t have a book.

For Z for wanting a little bit of emo/goth.

And to the band Good Charlotte whose chorus in ‘Last Night’ gave me the idea for the opening scene. You guys totally rock.

Chapter One

Boomp-boomp-boomp-boomp, Shawn Masters slowly opened his eyes and realised the pounding noise he could hear was all in his head. Everything looked so fucking bright that he had to slam his eyes closed again. His mouth tasted like someone had dumped and ashtray in it, which was odd considering he didn’t even smoke. His body was one huge-arse ball of achiness. Once again he attempted to open his eyes and face the day to come. Lifting his had to wipe the sleep from his eyes he stopped and stared at the leather studded wrist band he was wearing. “What the fuck?”

Sitting up, he looked around and got a few even bigger shocks. One: he didn’t recognise a damn thing, so where the hell was he? Two: he was completely naked except of course for the studded wristband, and what he assumed was a studded collar of some kind and on his feet were the fucking scariest looking pair of stilettos he had ever seen. They were dangerous they could almost be classed as lethal weapons. What the hell were they doing on his feet? Where the hell had they come from?

Shawn moved enough so he could sit in the edge of the bed. Leaning down he unbuckled the monstrosities from his feet; lifting one up he studied the shoe: it was a platform stilettos with what appeared to be a wolf’s mouth with sharp vicious looking teeth and tongue, the things had so many studs on them he would have set of every metal detector within a hundred foot radius and for some odd reason there was two cherries on the top of each shoe which could have represented the eyes of the wolf. If he had to say what animal the shoe resembled the most, he would have to put it down to the hounds of hell.

As his gaze skimmed over the room trying to recall anything to tell him where exactly he was he stopped on something on the one small table in the room. Testing whether or not he could walk without wanting to throw up was not as easy as it sounded. As it was his stomach felt like someone had magically put an agitator out of a washing machine inside him; just so everything inside him got nice and stirred up.

“Fuck!” this would have to be the butt-ugliest room he had ever been in the walls looked like they were at once upon a time have been painted orange and now they just look yuck. The bedspread were hideous, they probably had been bought back in the sixties and had never been renewed. They hurt his eyes just looking at them.

Taking a deep breath he pushed himself to his feet and unsteadily walked across the room. Written on the chipped and cracked Formica surface in some sort of black makeup were five words: Thanks I’ll call you, C. the whole thing was outlined in a heart. “What the fuck? Who the hell is C?”

Making his way to the only door the room held besides the front door. Shawn found himself in the bathroom which was no bigger than a broom closet. As he stood in front of and relieved himself he saw his clothes neatly folded on the sink. Above it on the mirror were more words written in the same black: You were the best. And below it was a black lipstick kiss.

Frowning at his reflection in the mirror Shawn hissed as his jeans settled into place, man, he was tender back there. Had he fallen on his arse and done some damage, hopefully whatever he had hurt would heal quickly. Especially seeing as for his job most of his day was spent sitting.

Monday 18 June 2012

Due To Being A Slack-Arse...

Just get your minds out of the gutter right now, this has nothing to do with SEX! Well not yet anyway... I was supposed to post the next instalment of Jettermane today but you guessed it I haven't even written it yet. I am hoping to get it done by tonight. So instead I thought I would share something with you all.

A friend pointed out some shoes  that Jambi posted over on Facebook and we all got to talking about them because they are fricken awesome So in a round about way we will Blame Z Allora for saying they should be written into a story on the feet of a cross dresser and I opened my big mouth saying yes an Emo/Goth cross dresser and if somebody gave me a title and the names of the characters I would right the story. Jambi supplied that information.

Story Title: Walk This Way
Characters: Shawn & Cory 

So now I will work on this story and add it to my list of books to get done by the end of the year. Wish me luck - I may just need it. (Lucky I love a good Challenge).

Lancaster's Way Book 1

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Just Realised...

Okay, while writing this post today I realised that in the last post of Jettermane I made a couple of fuck-ups... Jettermane killed his uncle's mate not his uncle. I will go through tomorrow and make the changes on the last post.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Here We Go

I know I was supposed to do Jettermane today... but I have to be out so I figure I will do Jettermane tomorrow and just share my new cover . It is for the Father's Day story at MLRPress... This is book one in Lancaster's Way.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Useful Tidbits On Writing

After a suggestion from the wonderful Kris Jacen over at MLR, I realise I need to start keeping profiles on all my characters in all of my stories this is going to be very time consuming but should be well worth it. Which means I will have to re read most of my own work as I have no clue how I have described some of them. (Hmm - I wonder if I can bribe Emily to help me).

I am thinking of doing it along the lines of how I did those few for SPAM Inc. (You know the ones Embry and I posted on our blogs awhile back). What do you all think? I think they might work.

Kris also suggested that along with myself, my Beta Readers should have copies of the profiles so they can keep me on track. She suggested I have a circle of Beta Readers - would two Beta Readers represent a circle?

So over the next few weeks I will be making up profiles, and maybe looking to add to my Beta Reading circle. (Kinda feels like I'm auditioning people to join my coven/sect/whatever - LOL).

This picture I posted is just another awesome thing from Dan so I hope you all enjoy it.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Will You Catch Me When I Fall?

I woke up today feeling inspired and never wrote a damn thing mind you it is only 11 am for me so I still have plenty of time.

I have been thinking a lot lately about falling. and I don't mean the everyday tripping that is just a given for me. My whole body is a map of bruises some days - sad but true story - I have an inner ear balance thing  happening.

What I am talking about is the feeling of having your whole world ripped apart who will be the ones standing there to pick you up and dust you off. Will it be who you expect or someone that shocks the shit out of you... This is what is running through my head of late. I know there is a story in there somewhere... I am just trying to figure it all out in my head before I fill you all in.

I think I would need to come up with a title or an inspirational picture before I even attempt writing it. But I just wanted to share that with you. If any of you have ideas or an inspirational picture, or even a title please feel free to share them with me.

PS... I have been think about On the Flipside of Reverse - Or more to the point my character Tucker - the drunken witch.

Kylfa is not going to have a clue when Tucker walks into his life and turns his  world upside down.

Could you imagine the havoc Tucker could cause in our Viking village - Brislaine is in for a shock when  Tucker winds up in it midst.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

What's Up!!!

Okay not much has been happening of late. I have just been taking it easy since I finished both Father's Day stories.

Though yesterday I went and had another tattooing session and had all the outline put in for the final part to my Halloween sleeve - one of the guys that works in the tattoo shop picked it out it is called the pumpkin princess - I think - at least it will match all the other stuff I have going on with lots more bats. I will post a picture as soon as Rodney emails me the photograph so you can all see what I have going on. I didn't even realise I was getting tattooed until I saw it on my calendar but all is good.

What's next on my agenda  in the writing world - well Emily has put in the request that I write The Diamond Rose and the sequel to my freebie Shadows on the Heart - so I have pulled out On The Flipside of Reverse - to work on Tucker & Kylfa's story. I was going to extend SOTH - but than thought no I will leave it as the freebie short story. I don't really want to mess with it and screw it up. - though for Emily I am extending it... LOL.

The Diamond Rose is actually a story where Emily helped me come up with the characters and plot ... she even came up with the title - so if you ask her the whole story is hers and I am just the writer. I have been told that I have to dedicate the whole thing to her.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Pimping An Idea

With permission from MMRomance member Fehu on GoodReads.


He was sent to sent to be the consort for the High King. Prince Allen is taught the ways of Diplomacy and Politics but not fighting.

The High King is a warrior and his dead lover was his first general. He doesn't want anyone that can't wield a sword and can only defend himself with words. That is just not someone he wants to help raise his children. So when Prince Allen is presented before him the High King doesn't choose him to be his next consort.

What is a rejected consort to do?

Prince Allen cannot return home, as he was sent to cement a treaty between his kingdom and that of the one belonging to the High King.

The army is hiring and Prince Allen asks to be part of the next expedition, hoping that by training to be a warrior he will be able to forget the High King who rejected him without really knowing him.

Can these two men come together and find love?


This is one of the best prompts that I have read and I missed out on getting it by a heartbeat - so I wish Megan all the best in writing her story and I can't wait to read it - this is a story that just needs to be told.

Knowing me as you all do, I couldn't let it go. I still wanted to be able to write my own story from this prompt - so I contacted the person who came up with it and asked for permission to use it as well and I am lucky that Fehu is such a wonderful person and is allowing me to do so.

So at some stage in the near future I will be writing my own version of this wonderful story - I have quite a few ideas running through my head - All I know for sure is that I will be writing this for Fehu and my wonderful beta reader Sue - It will involve something that I know Sue is quite fond of in my preferred writing style.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Making Changes...

Blog Story News...

For those of you who are regular visitors here. You will  all know that I have two blog stories going on. Due to an increase in my writing and deadlines due time I have come to the conclusion that I can't keep up with two stories a week.

So instead of stopping one completely, and after long arguments with myself and talking to Embry Carlysle - I have to do them fortnightly and for all the rest of the world that means I will alternate them weekly meaning each story will be posted two weeks apart. So I don't have to give up either of them.

They are just too fun to write to give one of them up, and even if I decided to do that I wouldn't know which one to choose. Plus my stalker - I mean my good friend and sometimes beta reader Cinders would so kick my arse if I did. Wind Walkers is part of my Sentinels of Varnuse story, and Jettermane is just because I could.

Have no fear I will keep going on with them just at a slower pace. I realised I have four deadlines in April, one in May and one in August and whatever else comes up between now and then.

So on that note I will get back to work and Wind Walkers will go up tomorrow without fail... when I started this writing for a living I never truly realised just how busy my life would become.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

One Of Those Days...

  Have you ever had one of those days when you wish you could just crawl back into bed, and have a do over. Well I am having one of those weeks. It wasn't one big thing that went wrong it was a lot of little tiny things that made up the whole. My good friend Z basically said I need to get my happy back on as I have a new release coming out in about ten days or so, and I am, I liked this story and I loved finding out more about Hunter and Clay. I just feel as though I am standing outside of my own life at the moment and watching a car crash in slow motion.

  My hubs would say take a teaspoon of cement and harden the fuck up!!! And I know he is right. I am just at a stage in my life where I am questioning everything - see the bottom of this post and give me some advice. (I think it is because my birthday is two days away - and I think holy fuck I am getting old Or it could be I just haven't had enough coffee this morning.)

  Okay I promised myself that 2012 is going to be the year of me - where I am the most important thing in my life - does that make me selfish? - Probably. We all know in the end I will be in the thick of my ever-loving family, and wanting to slap them up the side of the head - but hey that's how families work.

  I have had my bitch for the month so now it is time to pull up my big girl socks and take the next step... You will be happy to know  that today I am working on When Souls Collide. I am hoping to hit at least 11K on it.

  I have sent Admetus Gaea to Cinders who is going to run fresh eyes over it (yes I know it isn't finished but I want to make sure that when I converted it from M/F to M/M I got all the he/she/him/her changed as well. We all know it is the little things I forget). And lets just say lucky I sent Windblown Kisses: My Knight In Tarnished Armour to Sue as she found some great big glaringly obvious storyline holes that will need fixing before submit it.

  I have a question so feel free to leave me a comment and answer it - it is about your reading likes.

  Q 1: If my The Lines of Marsden series is mostly M/M is it okay to highlight a M/F relationship or should I change it to a M/M relationship? I need to know pretty soon as I will have to change it in book one, actually it will just be a change of name mentioned in book 1, the actual relationship is not until when the second line comes into their powers.

I know that Ro will say change it... and I am willing to if everyone is in the same frame of mind. So please leave me a comment with your views - because I read any genre that sort of thing doesn't worry me. so there is a second question related to the first.

  Q 2: Should Michaela become a guy? And if so what should be the new name? (Not Michael as he is the father) so I need to come up with a new name, at the moment she is Michaela Marsden (Kayla) and her twin is Raphael Marsden (Raph).

  Okay on that note I am out of here - I have some writing to catch up on and a sex scene to write by Friday for Jettermane. As well as figure out what the hell happened to Simian in Wind Walkers by Monday. I will talk to you all tomorrow when I ask Z Allora some questions...

Thursday 26 January 2012

Answering My Own Pimping Questions

What are you working on now? Was there a particular instant when it all just fell into place and you thought that is my next story?

I have just had my first official release of Angels on Top through MLRPress  


All Marlowe wants to do is find his place in the world with someone to love. Someone who sees just who he is.

Thrown out of home for not conforming to his parents wishes, Angelo heads to the one place he knows he will be welcomed with open arms.

With a little help from their family and friends can Angelo and Marlowe figure out just who is stalking Marlowe before Christmas morning? Can Marlowe win the heart of the boy next door? Can Angelo figure out that even straight boys sometimes fall in love with their best friends?

 Also through MLRPress I will have the follow on story in this series Hunting for Clay - (I will post cover when I see it.)


Two years have passed since Clay and Hunter met on that fateful morning in Tello’s Diner. Getting passed the fact Clay was stalking Marlowe was the easy part.

Clay Montgomery’s life has changed for the better the day he found the man who was meant to be the other half of him. Hunter understood him well, and knew how to give him exactly what he needs to be happy.

Hunter Weldon knows what he wants, and just how to get it. For two years he has loved the man in his arms and now it was time to up the anti. 

Also through MLRPress I have the first book in my series The Lines Of Marsden: Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.


The Lines of Marsden were born into existence for a reason: to right the wrongs that had once taken place. Destiny fated that they must destroy the Eldren before evil wins.

Michael Marsden wants to die – for real this time. He wasn’t meant to lead the half-life that he does. He chooses to let it go and let death take what it had already claimed.
But Christian Risely isn’t about to let that happen.  He is drawn to Michael and is willing to do anything to ensure that he lives, even if that means keeping him alive against his will.
How long have you been writing?

I have been writing for a long as I can remember, it was as necessary as breathing. Though, I began writing my first novel when I was twelve years old. Admetus Gaea – Untamed World… it started out as a HET book, when I recently found it after a thirty year absence, I decided to add it to my current list of Wips and convert it to MM.

How do you choose which genre and flavour your story line will take, and what influences your choice?

Honestly, I am a paranormal writer at heart. That is my favourite kind of story to read as well. My love affair with all things paranormal hit me at an early age and it just never let go. You could say they sank their canines/fangs into me.

Usually I just write whatever voice is screaming loudest in my head – sometimes my muse thinks it is funny to unleash them all at once. That is how my NaNo ended up becoming a spin-off to one of my other shifter stories… Vladimir (my Muse) can be funny like that.

What is your specific writing style, if any?

I don’t think I have a specific style of writing – I mainly just write whatever the hell falls out of my head as the mood strikes me. I don’t plot (at all) and when I do try and plot, the story line never ends up where I think it will. LOL – Sometimes I even give myself the Whoa!!! Factor as I write. I have been guilty of ringing my daughter at work and go, “Did you know…?”

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about bringing a story to life?

Yes - I hate it when I start out with the decision of having two characters together and then halfway through it changes. Or like this: I have written most of the first twelve books in my series The Lines of Marsden, one of my background characters, kept jumping out at me screaming look at me – look at me. So in the end I have decided to go back through what I have written and bring Doyle further into the storyline. Mind you, once I started that process I ended up taking out four other characters, which caused the challenging factor in how I reworked the story without changing the story line. Not as much fun as you would think.

Who is your favourite character you‘ve written to date and why?

That is a hard one… I love Michael because there are so many elements of me in him. I love Doyle - I feel that Doyle is a truly beautiful soul. Though, if you ask my daughter she would say Maffa and Jaffa, the twin werewolves.

In other works I think that Tucker the drunken witch from my free Goodreads story Shadows on the Heart. He and Kylfa will be getting their own story: On The Flipside of Reverse. All the spells that have the possibility of going wrong… I am chuckling already just thinking about it.

Which character in your body of works was the hardest to write?

Christian Kincaid – Risely: He keeps surprising me with little twist that makes me have to go back and tweak parts of his personal storyline. He is a 300 year old Vampire that doesn’t remember how old he is – he thinks he is newly made… LOL - you will just have to read series to find out more.

Which stories have you enjoyed working on the most and why?

The Lines of Marsden… It was a something I started writing for my daughter. (For a full explanation, go to Jadette Paige’s blogspot on December 15th as I am writing the story behind the story.) This is my most fun book - but the hardest.

What will people come away with after reading your books?

With the belief that no matter how hard of a struggle you go through to be with the one you love, in the end it is all worth it because sometimes true love and soul mates really do exist… Or…That Michael is a whiner, (just ask my daughter she tells me every damn day – LOL.)

What are you currently reading?

Lavinia Lewis - her Shifter Haven series. I am a total sucker for re-reading my favourites over and over again.

What music is in your stereo at the moment? And does it influence the way you write?

Nickelback: Dark Horse. I listen to them when I am working on all things in the Lines of Marsden Nickelback is kind of Michael’s theme music. Yes I am one of those authors that has to have music for each character – Doyle is Good Charlotte. & Christian is any music that you can dance badly to… Christian & Doyle kind of have my dancing skills. (At my wedding I had to dance to The Cure’s – Friday I’m in Love… just to cover up my bad dancing – Awesome wedding, it lasted three days and rained the whole time.)

Are you still as passionate about writing as you were when you first started?

Honestly, barring the last month, which was a real horror month for me. I had a relative die; my whole family came down with a virus that we just couldn’t shake. I had relatives rock up to stay at my house and then on top of all that I wrote a novel for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) I wrote the first book in a shifter series called Watson Falls: Between One Heartbeat & The Next – turns out it is a spin-off to Pack Matters. Total count: 50,707.

Okay, totally got side tracked… yes I do still enjoy writing as much today as I did when I started. I get a kick out of telling our workers that if they misbehave they will end up as a character in one of my stories… we own a construction company… my husband quite often fills the guys in on what I am up to – nothing better than running into one of the and they ask me. I have even had them tell me what sort of paranormal creature that they want to be… puts a huge grin on my face – it is times like that that I think – Yes; it is so worth it.

Name three Authors you read over and over again?

Gabrielle Evans
Stormy Glenn
Andrew Grey
ZA Maxfield - Bonus
Lynn Hagen - Bonus
Carol Lynne – Bonus
Z Allora - Bonus
Lavinia Lewis - Bonus

Can you share any of your current WIPS?

First: One Last Kiss Goodbye - This is story of young love that finds itself again after six-years has passed. Jacen Ives & Kayne Henderson, have to struggle through their trouble and mixed up lives to find their way back together.

Second: Pack Matters 1: Chasing Dreams of You – Is the first book in a shifter series. In this book we follow Todd Creely and Micah Adams as they fight the Alpha for the right to leadership of the Lockyer Valley Pack and to save that same pack from the Current Alpha’s destructive and volatile behaviour.

Third: The Diamond Rose - This is a one off book (I think) that starts with the death of a policeman and involves a drug cartel and a strip club.Officer William (Billy) Martin is an undercover cop in the in the strip club The Diamond Rose and gets put into protective custody with Officer Cole Jackson.

Fourth: Roxy's Heart ~ Harlin's Hands - This is the first book that sets up the whole universe of S.P.A.M. Inc. Roxy  fey heir finds himself mated to the very human Harlin Edwards. We delve into their mating and all the problems that come with it from interfering C.O.P.E members, evil witches (yes of the magical kind) and a whole slew of characters that you will all fall in love with.

On the back burner:

Shadows on the heart (extention): GoodReads freebie invloving a werewolf, a vampire, and a viking (sounds like the start of a very good joke.)

Admetus Gaea: Fey and Elven Kind

Windblown Kisses: My Knight In Tarnished Armour: This is almost ready to submit

Day Walkers: Paranormal

Upcoming Guest Blog Appearances:

Jan 16 - Gabrielle Evans

Feb 11-14 Valentine Blog Hop

Feb 22 Jana Downs

Tuesday 24 January 2012

What's Happening!!!

In the life of N.J. Nielsen

Okay, I know you are all dying to find out what is going on in my life well I can tell you there isn't much happening in my everyday real life - except laundry - I swear the washing multiplies when you aren't looking and we have been having a very wet week which isn't helping. I love the rain for the tank water - but other than that it drives me nuts - and we all worry about another flood happening.

On the writing front honestly I have done Sweet F A, but I will get back into it I swear. I spent yesterday reading other peoples work and loving it.

Everyone in my home life are all hunky dory, though Em and I both have peeling tattoos, so they are at that whole annoying itchy stage.where you just wanna scratch the skin off your arms.


Well I have been keeping busy, I am waiting for the galley proof for Hunting for Clay, and then that is read for release around Feb 10th I think.  I am also waiting for the next round of edits on The Lines Of Marsden: Rules Are Meant To Be Broken, hopefully they will be easy as the last lot. I am working on Windblown Kisses: My Knight In Tarnished Armour, I just got the first half back from my beta reader Sue. I am also tweaking book two in TLOM: Living In Shadows, just making minor changes, hopefully to make it flow better. I am working on a Father's Day submission called When Souls Collide, I am about 1/3 of the way through it. I am still working on Pack Matters: Chasing Dreams Of You. Plus I am working on one for my daughter called The Diamond Rose which is a police story. And last but not least is the series I am working on with Embry Carlysle S.P.A.M. Inc. My first book is Roxy's Heart ~ Harlin's Hands & Embry's is Can't Get You Out Of My Head.

My Girl Embry is working on: Saving Souls: Saving Jamie. I am asking everyone to keep on encouraging her to finish her story and submit it. I can tell you what I have read of it you won't be disappointed. Check out her blog story Finding Will... I am already hooked. And today you can even find her gas-bagging over at  Gabrielle Evans Blog  drop on by and leave her a comment for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate at BookStrand.