Tuesday 29 April 2014


Yesterday I finally finished the synopsis on the four remaining books in The Connelly Chronicles... thought my brain would burst, but they're now done and sent back to Faith B-B at Totally Bound. The good part is I now have a baseline for when I get around to writing these books... I'll add them to my spread sheets so I don't lose anything... Faith says I should hear back by the weekend... So keep your fingers crossed.

I'm back to finishing off the Goodreads--Don't Read In The Closet 2014 story for Love's Landscape: Trying Not To Love You. I hope to have this finished by this afternoon or by tomorrow and then I can send it off to my beta readers to take a look see before I send it to Sue M.

After that is done I'll spend the next four days finishing off the Toowoomba Boys: Dancing with Demons and submit that to Christie N at MLR. Once I have these done I can worry about the rest.

Also in talks with Bronwyn Heeley about co-writing a series of novellas together...I'm sure we'll both keep you updated as our plans come together. you can check her out here at her blog:  Unrandom Randomness. All I can tell you for right now it'll be of paranormal content.

Fireborn Publishing...

Take a look see at these place to check out the brand spanking new publishing house for all of us authors, and readers. I cannot wait to be submitting to Fireborn Publishing. Fireborn is a true cooperative. The company is staff owned, and they encourage their readers to be active participants in the business model.

Monday 28 April 2014

Holy Moley And Then Some...

I was having so much trouble writing the synopsis for the last four books in The Connelly Chronicles for Totally Bound when I realised I might know an easier way... WRITE THEM BACKWARDS... so instead of starting at book two and going to five. I scrapped it and started at book five and am now working back towards number two... so much easier. I was supposed to have them back by today and now I think it'll be delayed for another day. I'll have to drop Faith B-B an email and let her know what's happening on my end of the mail line.

Sunday 27 April 2014

No Time To Be Sick.

I know what I have to get done today , but honestly I just don't have the energy to complete the task. I woke up this morning and it feels like my ears are stuffed full of cotton wool.

I've also just completed that 1 hour chat on Facebook.

Today, I'm back to working on the synopsis for Totally Bound Publications for the rest of The Connelly Chronicles.

I also found I've made some pretty good friends I have also found someone willing to beta read for me the wonderful Bronwyn H... I'll also be reciprocating the favour - yes, I have forewarned her that I totally suck at punctuation...LOL.

Saturday 26 April 2014

OMG ~ What To Do?

Woke up this morning to some great if somewhat scary emails... 

Firstly: I had a wonderful email from Totally Bound asking me to supply synopsis for the rest of the stories in The Connelly Chronicles series. Not being a plotter.. I find this a tad scary, but I know I can do it. I'm just so glad that when I was cleaning the office yesterday I found all my missing story notes - let's hope there's something in there for TCC.

Secondly: The above email put on hold me writing the last 6K up of Trying Not To Love You... I'll have to start that up again on Monday.

Thirdly: Tomorrow morning at 7am Australian time I'm doing a one hour live chat at RGR on facebook, it's the first time I've ever done anything like this, so stop by if you can and ask me some questions.

Fourthly: How the hell do I get the smell of washing liquid off my hands? I was washing this morning when the bottle of detergent kind of slipped. I ended up with Radiant everywhere, and while trying to stop Droogie (my cat) from trying to lap it up I ended up smelling all sweet. Seriously the smell is starting to make me feel ill...LOL... trust me to try and overdose on clothes detergent.

Friday 25 April 2014

Why Is It?

I seriously want to know... Why is it when I start looking for tax stuff I always end up finding every one of my missing/misplaced/misfiled notebooks filled with book/story notes? I ended up having to go through everything and surprised myself by what I found... and nothing of it had to do with the taxes. So stuffed if I know where all that crap ended up.

But on the upside my office looks a hell of a lot cleaner. Even though I know the BAS has to be done... I'm cleaning more so I don't have to sit down and work on my Goodreads story Trying Not To Love You... Seriously, I like this story so I don't want it to end just yet and I know if I finish typing up the long-handed notes then the story will be over. I promise to pull my big girl panties on and finish it next week. Mind you I'll work on it some this arvo and will probably get close to the 20K mark.

other than that I'm trying to decide on what to work on once I have finished Toowoomba Boys 3: Dancing With Demons... I have almost finished that story as well... I've completed it in long-hand, I just have to finish typing everything up... Graham & Damon want their story to be finally told. So if there is anything you want to read from my series just let me know so I can pull it out and work on whatever you choose. 

Thursday 24 April 2014

As If I'm Not Busy Enough...

One of my new story WIPS has up and decided it needs to be re-written. It was about wolves, but the characters have now decided they want to be lions. So I've put it on the schedule, which doesn't seem to be getting any damn shorter. In fact I swear for everyone I take off -- two more take it's place.

Other than that I'm trying to get on top of my BAS for the taxation office... being ill for the last quarter has me scrambling to find where everyone has stuck their receipts for me to claim. I gave them both plastic envelopes to use and do the use them....Nooooo. It drives me nuts, but I hope to have it finished today.