Saturday 15 August 2020

I've Been Busy

For the past couple of weeks, I've been busy. Not only have I been working on my last 9 books for 2020, but I have been doing a couple of sets of edits for Wardens of the Guild 3: Heartstrings, and sent them back to Rebecca B at Pride Publishing. I've also picked the cover for it, and I can't wait to get the real thing.

I have Cotter's Girls 1: TASH at the beta readers. I hope to have Lancaster's Way 3: Pre-loved finished within the next week. As soon as it is it will be off to the beta readers as well. Then the next one on my list is to finish off The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You.

Not sure what real edits I have coming to me next, but I'll let you know as soon as I get some. I'll also show the cover as soon as I get it. I hope you all like it as much as I do.

Monday 3 August 2020

Just a Quickie

I finished Cotter's Girls 1: Tash, and today I will start on finishing off Lancaster's Way 3: Pre-loved I'm hoping to get it finished by around the 16th of this month━or sooner if at all possible. Though I have to start by doing a quick readthrough to see where I'm at with it because it's been so long since I've worked on it. 

Though today I have swimming lessons with my granddaughter.  Though I wonder how long they will last before they close down again due to Covid-19 coming back into Queensland. all because dumbarse people couldn't follow the rules and keep us all safe.

Saturday 1 August 2020

New Writing Schedule

Starting today I have a new writing schedule. I need 2.5K a day to meet my deadline on December 31st. Anything over is a bonus, any day missed and I have to make up the wordage on another day. So I guess all I can ask is you wish me luck. or maybe badger me into staying on track and not letting myself get sidetracked.

Other than that I need to find some catch and release mice traps, as I have one cute field mouse inside who needs to be rehoused back to the garden. My cats must have brought him inside from our cat enclosed garden. I don't want to hurt the poor thing, nor do I want my cats to get their paws caught in a trap, so I need the other kind. I'll have to add them to my shopping list. so, for the time being, I have decided to call him Forrest, because the damn thing can run like hell.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Little Things...

Well, I have been busy cleaning up a lot of little things around my place lately. Like...

1: I've done some re-potting in my garden... Some of my plants just needed a bigger home. I'm not that crash hot with flowers and plants and all that sort of crap but I do my best. 

2: I've been culling out the clothes that I no longer have any inclination to wear. I think my dress style might be changing just a tad, but I can't go overboard as I don't want to buy a whole new wardrobe. 

3: I've become a tad OCD in my pantry, making sure everything is in date and can last a long time. I'm not stocking up on ten ton of food stocks, but everything has its place and all my labels are facing forward so everything is easily found. 

4: I'm also babysitting my daughter's cat again... okay, I may have had to borrow the cat to try and keep Robson from going nuts in my place. He and Daisy are nearly the same age and they like to play together and keep each other occupied. Now poor Oliver gets a reprieve he's 5years older then they are and just like to laze in the sun and not run around like a lunatic.

5: Healthwise I'm doing fine. I have my migraines mostly under control, and even my back seems to be playing nice with the rest of my body lately. No use complaining because no one wants to ear it...LOL.

6: On the book writing front... Still working on my plotlines for 2021... to tell the truth, I've lost the little cord that goes from my multi-port to my computer, and I keep forgetting to buy a new one. It's a pain in the arse as I need more than one port. Hopefully, while I'm cleaning up I'll find the damn thing. Any way come August 1st I have to write 2,500 words per day to finish the 9 books I need to by the end of the year.

7: The books are: 

Cotter's Girls 1: TASH
Experimentals 3: Messages From the Dead
Hidden Hearts 3: Going by the Book
Hidden Hearts 4: Couples Cover (ends series)
Lancaster's Way 3: Pre-loved
The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You
Sons of Evenmore 4: Life, Death, & Everafter
Sons of Evenmore 5: Touching Shadows (ends series)
Wardens of the Guild 4: Gilded Cages (ends series)

Saturday 25 July 2020

Working on

Today I'm doing more of the plotlines for my stories. I'm serious about being prepared for 2021. I know that I won't be able to write them all in 2021 and have them released. But I'll have the potential of working on anyone that I want to and basically know where it's supposed to be going. As long as I know the beginning and the end I don't mind if the middle changes a tad.

And this time around I'm writing it all out in longhand as well as having a copy on the computer. I'm one of those weirdos who likes to have a paper copy on hand. Plus, I have a shit tone of loose-leaf paper to get through, (Christmas gifts from my kids throughout the years━I knew it would never go to waste).

This is kind of my happy place so don't knock me. These days I'm trying to do things that don't stress me out and plotting the stories even if I do eventually stray from the plotted path helps get the stories out of my head for the time being. I'm keeping them neatly stored in two red folders. Red is another of my happy places.

On that note I'm out of here I have some more to think about plotline wise for The Lines of Marsden 7: Love You, Hate You, Need You, then I'm working on Experimentals 4: Movements in the Dark... and if I have time Wardens of the Guild 4: Gilded Cages (the series ender).

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Galley Proof Time

For the next couple of days, I'll be stuck into my galley proof on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses. I need to get them back to Kris J at MLRPress by Thursday at the latest. 

At least after reading through this again, I'll finally remember where I was headed with #5: On the 12th Day (still figuring out if I'll keep that name or change it).

Fingers crossed there won't be many changes to be made during the Galley proof and I can get it back to Kris sooner rather than later.

Saturday 18 July 2020

In my garden.

Today I have to transplant a tree (yesterday, today, & tomorrow) in my garden. It's only a small tree, but it's getting rootbound in the pot it's in. Then I need to transplant another plant into the pot the tree comes out of. I'll readily admit I'm not the greatest gardener. Every once in a while I get down in the yard and make a day of it though. Both Oliver and Robson love it.

This garden is actually inside my cat enclosure. So it doesn't always look as nice as this because Robson likes to get in the pots and help me dig. Especially the succulents. Mind you he mainly just likes to eat them. I have a lot of succulents in my garden.

The grass is all dying out because I actually have shade cloth across the top like a roof to keep my cats in and other animals out. The cats love running and chasing each other around the pots. 

Since I have taken these pictures my billygoat stinkers have run amok and it's one of Robson's favourite hiding places in the whole garden. He gets in underneath then and pounces on whoever chances to walk by.

With the bad summer we just had, some of my plants were hit hard. I have faith they will come back. If not I will take a cutting from some of my existing plants and grow some more. Why spend more money when I can do that? Saving money where I can is always a good thing.

My mother-in-law tongue plants are going strong and multiplying like you wouldn't believe. I think in another year they'll have filled up one whole burgundy garden bed.

The billygoat stinkers are growing in the ground at the end of the bed holding the mother-in-law tongue plants.

The Jade plant I have up against the metal fence has doubled in size. Though it takes a beating from both my cats. I've had to buy some stakes to help keep them upright until they get a bit stronger. and they are all actually from one cutting I brought from my old house when I moved in.

I have to do a lot of rearranging because of how much sunlight actually filters into the yard itself. The plants need to be moved throughout the year to help them grow. Listen to me talking like I know anything about plants. Usually, I ask my brother and sister-in-law when I need to know something. They have a beautiful garden at their house.

I'll finish off my post with one of my pretty flowers. Mind you it has only ever flowered the one year. so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with it. I'm hoping this year it will decide to flower again. My agapanthus has never flowered so I don't know what colour it is. 

Though I have to admit I'm not really a flower person, so I really don't mind that. I like all the greenery. I'm hoping my geraniums come back. because they are a great snake repellant, and we do have a lot of those here. I think last summer my cats caught al least 8 of them, and they were most all deadly eastern browns. I like to try and keep the garden as friendly as I can to hide all the skinks etc as they have homes in and around the fence lines. I've put in things they can climb under in case my cats get a little too inquisitive.