Showing posts with label NaNoWriMo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NaNoWriMo. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Catching up!!!

Trying desperately to catch up on my NaNoWriMo - Sons of Evenmore: Blood To Blood. If I stick to my own personal schedule I figure I can pull it off. the story may not be finished but I should be able to reach the required 50K - So keep you fingers crossed for me.

On other news: Experimentals: Blessed With A Curse has finally been sent to Formatting. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows is in first edits with the wonderful Christie N - I hate first edits as it shows how many punctuation errors I've made - I've said it before and I'll more than likely say it again - I totally suck at punctuation.

Monday 18 November 2013

What's up...

Saw this picture on Face book and instantly had new story ideas running through my head.

I'm not sure if the plot line is even plausible so at  the moment I have just jotted it down so that I can come back to it at some later date in time.

I'm supposed to be caught up in NaNoWriMo but in all honesty I have fricken writers block... So Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood is slow going.

I have so much going on in my home life that I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done - & doesn't that just suck.

We are also experiencing some freaky-arsed storms lately. The roar of the wind before the rain comes sounds like a huge river rushing towards us... The bad part is I know it's just the beginning of our storm season so we will have worse to come - fingers crossed we don't flood again this year.

Wednesday 13 November 2013


As we all know I'm so far behind on my NaNoWriMo - not because I'm a slacker - but because for some strange reason I decided to publish Sons of Evenmore before the two series which precede it. Why did I do things arse about? Because I'm an idiot that's why. I should have finished the other two series first.
  • Pack Matters
  • Watson Falls
In some ways doing it backwards is easier as I already will know how it ends. but when I have cross over characters enter each others series. I have to go back and take notes. As asinine as it seems and believe me it is I've had to make a combined notebook so I can cross check everything so I don't screw it all up.

Monday 11 November 2013


Day 1 of exercises are over and done with, and let me just say that I hate push-ups... There is no way in hell that my body can do them in the shape I'm in... I got through three... I'm supposed to do 10 reps of a set of 3 Push-ups wit 60 seconds in between each rep... so not going to happen - I think they're something I'll have to work myself up to. On a brighter note: I could do the rest of the exercises... not great with the balancing ones but I did them.

Now I'm off to get some more of my NaNoWriMo done - Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Busy as...

Why is November always so fricken busy that I always end up falling behind on my NaNoWriMo? I have no clue either, but I vow in the next couple of days I will catch up and stay on track...

I dismantled the double bed in the spare room and replaced it with a single bed and trundle that converts into a double bed when needed... much more space in the room which has become my closet.

I start on my diet and exercise routine tomorrow. So I'll keep you all informed on how I'm going - everyone needs a support group and you've all just become mine. I have exercises and a diet to follow... I might find the diet a bit hard to follow as I don't eat some of the ingredients - but I'll make do. 

As the saying goes - I'll never know unless I try.

The new nutritionist took some measurements:
  • Shoulder Circle = 130cm
  • Waist = 103cm
  • Weight = 105.2KG (231.92lbs)
  • Height = 168cm

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Woo-hoo! Contract signed.

This morning I woke up to the best surprise in my inbox... A Contract waiting to be signed with MLR Press for the The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows... I can't wait for you all to read the next instalment of Michael Marsden's life. I should start edits in just over a month. I now have to fill in blurb forms and cover art requests.

I'm also staying on track with NaNoWriMo - The Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood. I've just started writing chapter four.

Dang it - I just took the bins out to the curb to be emptied and got attacked by ants and bitten all under the ball of my left foot. Fricken hell, it hurts like a bitch... I'm allergic to ants. So now waiting and watching as my foot swells up (not deathly allergic which is a good thing.)

Monday 4 November 2013

So fricken hot...

It is so fricken hot where I live today that even the air-con isn't doing it's job. Though, I've noticed the cats are all with me in my office as it is now the coolest room in the house. I've had to tape up a huge sheet of cardboard in my office window until my hubs can either fix the screen he broke or replace the lower windows with wood... I am tired of my feel getting sunburnt.

Today I'm back to working on my NaNoWriMo story Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood. It is coming along nicely over the next two days I hope to catch up and get back on track to finishing on time.

FUCK!!! I have the worst cramp in my right upper arm it is burning like crazy...Bring on the Ice Gel spray and get rid of that sucker.

Okay enough chatting for today I have to get back in and get some more writing done... Before I forget here's an update on Experimentals: Blessed With A Curse will be in formatting in about two weeks... The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows is being looked at now, and The Gaean Prophecies: Admetus Gaea is still waiting for the editor to accept it.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Okay changed my mind back...

Two reasons why I've decided to stick with Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood as my NaNoWriMo story:

1. I saw these two pictures and it gave me a whole new run on the storyline itself (guy in picture by himself - Dominic Cervola. Taller man in other picture Ollun: Mercer & shorter guy Jhex Lunos).

2. And the most important reason - Em threatened to kick my arse if I didn't get this story written.


I have relatives coming to stay for the weekend... this should be interesting as one is a young kiddo who the last time I saw her two years ago talked a mile a minute.

I'm also going through my dropbox and have been checking on WIPS and seeing which to keep, which to toss & which to place on the back burner for now.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

I think I have changed my mind.

I saw this picture and got the insane urge to scrap my planned NaNoWriMo story and write this one instead... I have a ton of notes on a series: story... called Day-walkers: Together We'll Be Something More. Yet the story idea now running around inside my head is so different from all the notes I had planned out. So I will be starting from scratch... but this is the story that is waking me up at odd hours and demanding to be written.

Imagine if you will the guy on the left and the guy in the middle both have shoulder length black hair... Their names (L-R) are Claude Reynar, Hayden Gillis, & Mitch Evans.

I just wanted to let you all know where my mind was heading.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Red Sunday

Today I'm feeling a tad red... it could be because I have so much to do and no time to do it in... Or it could be because my Muse has gone on vacation with my Sanity and haven't left me a date they'll be back by- Hope it's by November 1st when NaNoWriMo starts.

My office looks like a cyclone has just blown through it - why do people think it's okay to dump there junk all over my office desk? Then I have to clean everything up by sorting through it and putting it away.

I have two of my nieces coming to visit next weekend it will be good to see them as I haven't seen them in two years.

I'm having a spruiking (being proud of myself) moment today as well... First time ever I am finally on top of all my taxes... & I plan on staying that way. I have finally gotten into a routine of sending everything off to my book keeper at the end of every month. Though while filing stuff away I didn't realise until I'd finished one folder that I have to pull everything out and do it all again because I put everything in the folder backwards.

I haven't heard back from Steve L (MLR editor) on The Lines Of Marsden: Living In Shadows... Nor do I know what stage Experimentals: Blessed With A Curse is at. I fricken hate waiting, but in all honesty - I don't know how busy Steve L is. I just hope I hear about them soon so I can let all of you know.

Friday 4 October 2013

Yesterday & today are busy...busy...busy

So let's start today off with a hugfest of epic proportions... Life is so worthwhile when you have someone to hug. I've been known to walk up and hug total strangers.

I' m up to the galley proof on The Connelly Chronicles: Family Connections... So once I have the final read through done it'll be off to be made perfect for the release date: October 12. I'll be at the Oz MM Meet in Sydney then, so I won't be able to spruik about it until the 16th when I'll be home.

I'm also drawing maps of Admetus for The Gaean Prophecies: Admetus Gaea... & I can tell you it's not as easy as I though it would be... but I'm giving it a go. I can draw and I know I can draw, but I suck at drawing geographical maps... I prefer to draw faces.

Just when I think it's all over for the taxes - I find out there is still more to do. I feel like beating my head against the wall some days - the only thing stopping me is knowing I'd more then likely end up with a headache, and would still have to do the taxes.

Hard to believe that there are only 27 days left until NaNoWriMo starts... Em has threatened me that the book I write - Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood had better be about Jhex & Mercer. So I agreed (Do I have that whole misery vibe happening? NO... But just to be on the safe side I've hidden all the sledgehammers, and keys to the shed - LOL). I'm thinking just to throw her a curve ball I'm going to write Jhex but not in the way she thinks I will... I can't wait until November 1st so I can find out myself what I want to do - my plans of thinking about the story before hand fell through - I'm so not a plotter/planner.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

I'm back!!!

Well lucky I wasn't here yesterday as I had no net coverage anyway... I got it fixed this morning (had something to do with wiring & refreshing--yeah don't ask me as I have no clue either).

Anyway, when I got the Internet back I found I had EIC edits waiting for me on The Connelly Chronicles: Family Connections. I'll start on them today and hopefully get most of them done.

On a brighter note... Emily remembered who I was writing book 2 about in Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood... She tells me it is Jhex (but that could be just because she wants to read his story next). So at least I have a start to what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo this year... only 36 days until NaNo starts.

Sunday 1 September 2013


Okay, I've been mulling through a few thoughts for NaNo this year. So I thought I'd share my rambling mind with you. 

Like should it be one novel or two novella's - I still have no clue? Though, I think I'm going to try my hand at Sci- Fi - here's hoping I don't suck at it. 

My other thought is should I use NaNo to finish a project or should I start something fresh?

What kind of characters should I have - soft, hard, jerks, twinks? (That came out sounding so wrong).

Should I write Young Adult? Or, should I stick with what I know best?

Wednesday 27 March 2013


There are eight months left before NaNoWriMo starts again. How early is too early to start thinking about what you are going to write? I usually just wing it every year it rocks around, and I haven't missed reaching the 50K mark... but this year, I want to be better prepared.

I figured I have so many stories running around inside my head maybe NaNoWriMo may be the time to get one or two of them out of the way... Do other authors plan what they are going to write? Or do they just start something new on November 1st?

Should I write contemporary or Paranormal? Last year I wrote a mixture of the two: half my Nano was spent on Taking Chances: Lie To Me, and the other half on Sons of Evenmore: The Crimson Grimoire.

Okay, I'm going to mull this over for a day or two and will get back to you with my thoughts after Easter. If you have any thoughts feel free to leave me a comment.

Thursday 28 June 2012

What's Happening?

Today I thought I would give you a heads up on what is happening: By December 1st - I need to have written 585,000 words to get all 14 Wips completed. I have actually written 182,356 of those words leaving 402,644 to still be written. 50K of those words can't be started until November as it is my NaNoWriMo project (Watson Falls: Walking On A Fine Line.) after doing my sums I have to write at least 2,400 - 2,615 words per day to complete it.

So I have decided that each day I will choose a different book and write my quota for each day - if I write more than sweet I am ahead... Feel free to keep me on track... I didn't include my blog stories because  I will do those regardless...

Yes I will be a busy bee for the next few months and I have to get ahead on some of it so I don't fall behind when I am at GRL in October. Now we just see how fast I can actually write. WISH ME LUCK!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

What's the Hap!!!

I am working on changing my NaNoWriMo story as it just wasn't working I had to go back and shifter-fy it... I feel more comfortable writing paranormal books... I have kept the same basic story line but now I can sink my teeth (or canines if you will) into it and start writing again.

I have decided that Sentinel Dominic's mate in Sentinels of Varnuse 2: Wind Walkers, will be Nico and he will be a bird shifter... you will still get to hear about Quin & Bray and Vayne & Arron's quest for Simian... I promise not to leave you all hanging. 

Monday 7 November 2011

Just Touching Base!!!

 Well I know I have missed another couple of days... but sad to say my brother in-law passed away... I guess he is in a better place where there is no pain. It was sad to see him finally go and my heart goes out to his four children.

  So for the past three days I haven't really written anything but after this Thursday I should be back on track with everything... Though I don't mind telling you all I am worried about my NaNoWriMo novel... I am not sure if it is going in the direction that I want it to. I will stick with it for a bit and see what happens.

  I emailed my editor today to find out what is happening with TLOM. To be honest I am getting fed up with waiting. It's is more frustrating that my editor and I never seem to connect... she is awesome, but if it isn't something going wrong on her end then it is going wrong on mine... Sometimes I think I just can't win... LMAO - Isn't that always the way. Though, as soon as I do hear what is going on I will let you all know.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

What's Up!!!

 Well I have missed a couple of days due to I threw my back out and was in too much pain to concentrate... but I am back now.

  Well I joined NaNoWriMo as you all know and I have started on my story... I have titled it Watson Falls 1: Between One Heartbeat & The Next. because once I started writing this I thought NJ there is a series in this idea... so we will just have to see how it all pans out.

  I am off to  the Cold Chisel concert in Brisbane tonight and I just got uber excited when I read that You Am I are their opening act... Two awesome Aussie bands.

  I have decided that the next post of WTWCTD will be the last for that blog story... but don't worry the boys will still be around as I am just moving onto the first branch of the other shifters that I mentioned... I have all those Sentinels to mate off before I can end it completely.

  On that note I am out of here as I have to write my quota for NaNo...

Tuesday 25 October 2011


I am supposed to be cleaning my office and getting my BASS done... but I decided to take a coffee break and fill you in on what happening..

1: I just signed up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)... I have the whole Month of November tow write a 50K novel... I have no clue what I am going to write about so it will be a surprise to us all. My mate Lavinia Lewis is doing it so I thought why the hell not.

  2: The hubs gets home on Thursday... I am looking forward to seeing him again even if he will be crowing that the Kiwi's won the Rugby World Cup... Now I am usually a supporter of the All Blacks... but I say the French were robbed...

  3: My WIPS (Works in Progress) are all progressing along nicely... Harlin's Heart now has about 5K done on it. SSP is at a standstill only because I have a few other things that I had to bring before it.

 4: Still have my fingers crossed on the submission to Samhain - Windblown Kisses1: My Knight in Tarnished Armour and My Christmas Short :Angels on Top.

  5: And lastly I have all my tattoo sessions booked in between now and the Convention in March at Sink the Ink... If I don't have the whole sleeve done then I will definitely have the lower half sleeve done. and I will definitely have it all done before GRL in Albuquerque next October.