Showing posts with label DRitC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DRitC. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Random Thoughts On What's Next...

I'm at that time in my life where my brain knows I have so much I still need to get done by the end of the year but my body is like FUCK IT! I need a vacation.

My mind is restless at the moment as I have three things I am trying to finish and I keep getting side-tracked by The Lines Of Marsden 3: You Make Me Die In Pieces... as much as I tell myself it's not time yet I have a ton of hand written scene's written up that just need to be smoothly linked together.

I've already have one person tweet me and tell me they loved my Goodreads story: Trying Not To Love You... I hope others feel the same way... I mean, I hope they enjoy the story.

Speaking of GoodReads stories... I think I'm going to re write book 1: Shadows On The Heart... lengthen it, and then give it back to Goodreads as a free story... I'll probably write book 2: On The Flipside Of Reverse, & book 3: Following The Aftermath and give them to Goodreads as free stories as well. At least that's my train of thought this week. Let me know what you all think?

Can you believe there's only 77 days until NaNoWriMo starts for 2014... where has the year gone? I swear it only feels like yesterday we were all celebrating the new year. When in fact in 138 days we'll be celebrating the next new year. I'm still trying to work out what I'll feel like working on for NaNoWriMo... I have so many choices but no idea which one I'll choose.

On that note I will away as I have some questions to answer for a promotional thing I have to do toward the end of the month...Later Gates.

Sunday 4 May 2014

OMG ~ It's Done...

At 10:07 pm I wrote the last words (27,210) in the freebie: Trying Not To Love You that  I did for Goodreads. the story of Keagan and Alistair will be sent off to my beta readers in the morning... Okay, that's a fib... my beta's will have it first thing after I get back from bootcamp (exercise training group).

I weirdly am sad to see this story end and would probably have liked to write some more for these two characters. I can only hope the rest of you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

Tomorrow I'll once again start on finishing off Toowoomba Boys #3: Dancing with Demons. Damon and Graham need their story told.

Friday 2 May 2014

Updates On My Work...

Just heard from Totally Bound... I have a good feeling about getting the contract with them for The Connelly Chronicles. I just have to tweak a couple of the synopsis for future books to fit with their needs... so that's what I'm doing today. Even if I don't get a contract, then at least I have the course plotted for the following four books in the series. So for me it's a win-win situation.

Over the weekend I'll finish off Trying Not To Love You, and then on Monday I'll start on finishing off Toowoomba Boys 3: Dancing with Demons. After that I'm not sure what's on my list. 

I'm still waiting to hear back from Wayward Ink Press about The Gaean Prophecies: Admetus Gaea ... and after talking to Bronwyn H, I know I'll definitely be re-working both A Moon-Runner Christmas (which may have a name change) and One Last Kiss Goodbye, because I want to write Micah & Sammy's story as well.

Thursday 1 May 2014

I Has Ouchies...

I have stitches in my left shoulder and I was really brave because by the time it came to stitch me up the anaesthetic had worn off and I could feel every damn stitch.... My ears got the all clear they seem to think the were swollen due to all the sneezing I did while cleaning the dust in the office. I have to go back in 13 days to have the stitches removed. Though, I may need pain killers today as it hurts like hell.

Today I'm working on the GR story: Trying Not To Love You... I'm hoping to finish this by tomorrow arvo so I can send it off to my beta readers... before sending it to the awesome Sue Main.

I'm still in talks with Bronwyn Heeley to see if we mesh with our writing (I'm pretty sure we do)... And yes we will let you know what's going on once we actually decide on just what we want to work on. 

Tuesday 29 April 2014


Yesterday I finally finished the synopsis on the four remaining books in The Connelly Chronicles... thought my brain would burst, but they're now done and sent back to Faith B-B at Totally Bound. The good part is I now have a baseline for when I get around to writing these books... I'll add them to my spread sheets so I don't lose anything... Faith says I should hear back by the weekend... So keep your fingers crossed.

I'm back to finishing off the Goodreads--Don't Read In The Closet 2014 story for Love's Landscape: Trying Not To Love You. I hope to have this finished by this afternoon or by tomorrow and then I can send it off to my beta readers to take a look see before I send it to Sue M.

After that is done I'll spend the next four days finishing off the Toowoomba Boys: Dancing with Demons and submit that to Christie N at MLR. Once I have these done I can worry about the rest.

Also in talks with Bronwyn Heeley about co-writing a series of novellas together...I'm sure we'll both keep you updated as our plans come together. you can check her out here at her blog:  Unrandom Randomness. All I can tell you for right now it'll be of paranormal content.

Saturday 26 April 2014

OMG ~ What To Do?

Woke up this morning to some great if somewhat scary emails... 

Firstly: I had a wonderful email from Totally Bound asking me to supply synopsis for the rest of the stories in The Connelly Chronicles series. Not being a plotter.. I find this a tad scary, but I know I can do it. I'm just so glad that when I was cleaning the office yesterday I found all my missing story notes - let's hope there's something in there for TCC.

Secondly: The above email put on hold me writing the last 6K up of Trying Not To Love You... I'll have to start that up again on Monday.

Thirdly: Tomorrow morning at 7am Australian time I'm doing a one hour live chat at RGR on facebook, it's the first time I've ever done anything like this, so stop by if you can and ask me some questions.

Fourthly: How the hell do I get the smell of washing liquid off my hands? I was washing this morning when the bottle of detergent kind of slipped. I ended up with Radiant everywhere, and while trying to stop Droogie (my cat) from trying to lap it up I ended up smelling all sweet. Seriously the smell is starting to make me feel ill...LOL... trust me to try and overdose on clothes detergent.

Friday 25 April 2014

Why Is It?

I seriously want to know... Why is it when I start looking for tax stuff I always end up finding every one of my missing/misplaced/misfiled notebooks filled with book/story notes? I ended up having to go through everything and surprised myself by what I found... and nothing of it had to do with the taxes. So stuffed if I know where all that crap ended up.

But on the upside my office looks a hell of a lot cleaner. Even though I know the BAS has to be done... I'm cleaning more so I don't have to sit down and work on my Goodreads story Trying Not To Love You... Seriously, I like this story so I don't want it to end just yet and I know if I finish typing up the long-handed notes then the story will be over. I promise to pull my big girl panties on and finish it next week. Mind you I'll work on it some this arvo and will probably get close to the 20K mark.

other than that I'm trying to decide on what to work on once I have finished Toowoomba Boys 3: Dancing With Demons... I have almost finished that story as well... I've completed it in long-hand, I just have to finish typing everything up... Graham & Damon want their story to be finally told. So if there is anything you want to read from my series just let me know so I can pull it out and work on whatever you choose. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Name Changes & Other Things

Okay, the story formerly known as; I Couldn't Care Less What You Think is now called; Trying Not To Love You. I'm still planning to have this written and to the beta readers by the weekend. I've made it to 15K.

The wonderful Lex Valentine will be sending me the the proper files for this book cover later today, but I needed to share. Just because I'm so happy with the results... If you ever need a cover made seriously check out Lex, and her work at  Winterheart Designs.

Now that all the fricken public holidays are over I can go and get my head shaved again. I have about half an inch all over my head and it's driving me nuts.

I can't tell you how good it feels to be writing again. After being basically sick for the first three months of the year, and then with all that's happened this month. I felt like it was then end, and I'd never write another word--lucky for me I was totally fricken wrong. The weird thing is I seem to be writing faster than ever, and my head is a lot more clearer...Let's hope I can keep it up for the rest of this year at least.

Monday 21 April 2014

Over Half Way Through The Goodreads Freebie

Okay, so   when I say half way through I couldn't Care Less What You Think... I mean that I've typed up 10K and I probably have about 5K in hand written notes just waiting to be typed up... This is what I'm concentrating on now.

I'm also helping Lex  Valentine choose pictures for the cover... when I say that, I mean Lex sent me a bunch of pictures to look at and I sent back the ones I liked.

The spreadsheets are coming along great. I have them all up and running, but not quite filled in. I figure I'll fill them in as I'm working on the stories themselves.

Once I have this story done and to the beta reader I will take a week to finish off Toowoomba Boys: Dancing with Demons. Just because I need it done. Then I'm not sure what my next thing will be on my agenda - I suppose it'll be whatever my editor want to see from me.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Such Is Life!!!

Today I'm working on my MMRomance free read for Don't Read In The Closet 2014: Love's Landscape. All I'm allowed to tell you is the title - though I think I may have told you all that in a previous post... My story is titled I Couldn't Care Less What you Think.

I've been a little off over the weekend so today I'm trying to get back on track. I have to type up all my hand written notes to see how much that actually got me wordage wise.

I have a hectic week ahead of me this week: 1) On Wednesday I have an appointment with my book keeper to get together last minute tax things... 2) Em has Dental surgery on Thursday... 3) The Creepy Crawly pest guy is coming out to spray for spiders and other nasties again on Friday. Not sure how the weekend is looking yet.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Getting Back On Track...

I finally feel like the fog that has been shrouding my mind since mid January has started to evaporate. I'm now sleeping a lot better... so I'm thinking the exercising is working... I can't wait to get through the first 30 days of my ISAGENIX so that I'm completely detoxed and ready to start the next adventure in my life.

I managed to write 1.5K yesterday which is the most I've done in the last two months - actually aside from edits I haven't actually written anything new... so I'm taking this as a good thing.

Today I'll be working on Toowoomba Boys: Dancing With Demons & the Goodreads free read story for the Don't Read In The Closet: Loves Landscape.... my story is: I Couldn't Care Less What You Think. I'll work 9:30- 11:30 a.m. on ICCLWYT & 12- 2pm on TB:DWD.

I was supposed to get my flu shot today but the doctor's run out so now I have to wait until Friday. I'll always get my shot because since I've been getting them I haven't had my 4 bouts of Bronchitis per year... For which I'll be forever grateful. I hate getting sick.

You will be happy to know I found my missing Thirty Seconds To Mars CD: Love Lust Faith & Dreams... all is good again in the world. So on that note I'm off to get some actual work done for today - I'll chat to you all again tomorrow.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Playing Catch-Up...

As you can tell I redid the blog the Header & Avatar have been made by the wonderful and amazingly talented Lex Valentine... I even have her on the look out to make me a cover for my Goodreads free read story. Which means I better get my shit together and start writing - I couldn't Care Less What You Think. I'll try and round it out at 28K

The exercise regime with Lee is getting easier and after #4 I woke up without my legs killing me... though Wednesday will be a killer so they might come back by Thursday...

I signed up yesterday to do an ISAGENIX program with Andy Richie  (Who for the first month is like my coach to help me through), and hopefully this will help with my headaches and all over tiredness. My brother tells me this is a good thing.

Other than that life is all good, but if any of you can tell me where the hell I put my 30 Seconds to Mars Cd I would greatly appreciate it - I don't know how I can lose something so fast. I only bought the damn thing on Friday...

Friday 7 March 2014

GR: MMRomance Don't Read In The Closet 2014 ~ Love's Landscapes

This is the prompt I got...By Calila.

Who are they? Are they band mates heading home after a gig? Buddies after a long night out? Fans post-concert? Is this the night that changes everything? Or just a night like any other they share? How have they become so comfortable, with themselves, and each other? Is it new and fresh, or solid and steady?

HFN/HEA preferably. Other than that head where the muse insists you go! 

MY NOTES: With a little help from "Jambi" Jambrea Jo Jones this is what I've come up with...

Band Name: DeRanged.
Hit song: Red Flag Burning.
Name: Keagan Thames (blue hair)
Name: Alistair "Krunk" Krunkstone

Story Title: I Really Couldn't Care Less What You Think.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

OMG!!! Look At This.

I was just informed by Lori over at M/M Romance on Goodreads that I am a nominee for their Member's Choice Awards I am so fricken Stoked. I am in the class for Best Free Read.

Here where you need to go to vote for me and many others.

Thursday 6 October 2011


These are the first two instalments of the Hot July Days stories from the  MM Romance group... My Story: Shadows on the Heart, doesn't appear until Volume Two.

Available at: 


Wednesday 28 September 2011


Okay, my brain isn't really working today... I have half a chapter to convert on TLOM-RAMTBB before I send it off to my beta Sue... and then it is a matter of sending the clean MS to editor... then I can concentrate on the other things like finishing Angels on Top and my SSP...   Hubs is building or extending his mothers deck/veranda in New Zealand... thank God I am not there... I would only have to help... LMAO.   Em's car goes in to get a new bumper today before she can begin the process of trading it in on a larger car... why the Hubs got her one that even he had trouble fitting in I don't know... I hate getting in the thing...   I got my new glasses yesterday so everything is looking a little clearer and the headaches have receded... A big WOO-FRICKEN-HOO to that.

The lovely Sara Winters has uploaded my free read Shadows on the Heart to Are if you guys want to down load it for free... not with the cover that I had made due to copyright (which I am still working on) so better to be safe than sorry. Anyway go check it out... I posted the address above.


Monday 22 August 2011

Short & Sweet

I have been awake for almost 30 hrs... due to attending a Goodreads chat group and then I stayed up to attend Gay Day... I have had a blast but now I am over tired and wide awake... but that could be caused by too much coffee and Coke... the soft drink not the drug.

  I have been mainly working on extending Shadows on the Heart... but I better not work on it today or anything else for that matter, because I don't know what gobbledy-gook I could end up with. It probably would not be pretty.

Friday 15 July 2011

Short & Sweet

Okay, exciting news... well it is for me.  My Short story: Shadows on the Heart. is up on the Goodreads M/M Romance page.  That is my story about the Viking, the Vampire and the Slave... go check it out along with all the other great free short stories that are up.

Hot Summer Days Short Stories.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Hot July Days

As you all know I was in the Hot July Days for MM Romance over on Goodreads... well I have to check out when my story is actually up for reading and I will tell you all.  Just a reminder of what my Pictures were and the story basis I was given...

Please tell me the story of this handsome Norseman

He went out viking and came back to this scene in his village.

Who is the sexy stranger and what is happening?

I thought I would give you a small but sneaky peek to make sure you all go and have a look-see. when mine and other stories are able to be read.

Shadows on the Heart 

Chapter One:

 “ I'm free... I’m free...”  Andreas jumped around, laughter bubbling out of him as he pumped his fist into the air.  “ I'm free... I’m fr... I am so fucked!”  His excitement drained out of him as he sank to the ground in realisation that he wasn't where he was supposed to be.  “Where the hell am I?”  This in no way even looked like the City of Brisbane... funny, if he didn't know any better he would think that he had been transported through time as well as space.  Fear followed closely by anger surged through him as he stood up.

The Witch!  He knew he shouldn’t have trusted that damn witch.

Never trust a witch... hadn’t his mother always told him that?  One little spell, was all he had to do...  Zap him to Brisbane, so he could get the hell away from Christos and his unwanted attentions.  Tucker swore... it was only one tiny incantation, and a few smelly symbols painted on his body...  What could possibly go wrong, he said?  What the fuck was he supposed to do now?

Run...  Andreas heard the men coming long before he saw them.  His instincts were telling him that even though he didn’t know where he was, he didn’t want to be caught by these... these... whatever the hell they were.  Confusion overwhelmed him as he as he ran towards the small copse of trees ahead of him.

He wasn’t going to make it!

Andreas ducked to the side as his senses screamed at him that he was in danger.  That witch was so dead when he got his fucking hands on her.  He was supposed to be in Brisbane, not wherever the hell this was.  Fuck!  Andreas dodged to the side again.  He felt, rather than saw, something go flying passed his head, missing him by mere inches.  Holy fuck!  Andreas skidded to a halt as a long spear embedded itself into the ground just ahead of him.  What the hell was going on?  Laughter bubbled out of him as he found himself surrounded by seven ferocious looking men.  ‘Oh my god...’ he thought, as he wiped the tears of mirth out of his eyes.  He realised just how stupid he had been.  This was a movie set... somehow the witch had got it wrong and set him down in the middle of a fricken movie set.  Okay, so maybe he would let him live after all.

Andreas held up his hands.  “Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to ruin your shot.”  His smile faded as they each took a menacing step towards him, one guy holding a length of rope in his hands as he slowly advanced, the rest had axes, swords and other wicked looking weapons... Oh this was so not good.  “Look... guys, I said I was sorry,” Andreas backed away until he came up against a hard chest, and two large hands wrapped around his arms gripping him like steel.  “This is still 2011, isn’t it?”

This couldn’t be happening.