Friday 27 April 2018

Guest Blogger - Leona Windwalker

Title: Accused 
By: Leona Windwalker 
Cost: 99 cents/pence 
When: Today on #KindleCountDown! 
Universal link:

#scfi #mmromance #gayromance #BDSM #POC

Monday 23 April 2018

Robson & Other Things

Robson: is growing up so fast it has now been a week since this cute little bundle of psychotic chaos was desexed. I thought that would calm the little guy down━did it? I hear you ask. That would be a big fat no. The vet told me to keep him calm for 4 days after the operation. 10 minutes after getting him home he was chasing Oliver (our other cat) all over the house like a maniac. On the plus side, there seems to have been no side effects to him not having the quiet time afterwards.

Other Things: The weather is finally starting to get a chill to it of a morning and of an evening, but still hot as during the day. I'm trying to get as much writing done this morning as I can because I have to go and mow this arvo... and I won't feel like getting back onto the computer after that. All I'll want to do then is either curl up with a good book or watch a DVD.

I'm working on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses again today. Hoping to make it to chapter 10 (36/7K). Wish me luck.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Working On...

I've been working on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses. I just finished re-reading, reworking and have started on finishing the story plot line. I'm even kind of following the synopsis I wrote out━GO ME... I know where I need the story to finish so that the next instalment can start so I hope I don't get too sidetracked along the way.

NEW IDEA... or old... depending on how you look at it. I had a dream and it changed the way I'm going to write the Outside The Safety Zone series. I have been working on book 1: Hiding in Plain Sight. It's kind of an end of humanity... or rebuilding of humanity type story. I'm still trying to figure it all out. I guess you will all know when I know.

Friday 6 April 2018

I'm A Grandma & Other News


Now that little Grace has finally entered into the world I can finally get back on track. The last 3 months have been a tad hectic for me. Hopefully, now life will start to settle once more. I'm about to jump back into my writing I have four projects on the go. I won't say which ones will get completed first until they are done so that it's a surprise... but I will say just keep an eye on the word count for each story.

Other than that all is well in the world on N.J. Nielsen... No use complaining as no one wants to hear that bullshit anyway. I did just finish rewatching Roswell. Not a bad show, but I did find myself wanting to shake the shit out of some of the characters no and again. I suppose that's what makes it a good story... You can't like them all.

Sunday 18 March 2018


I have been working on the EIC edits for Fireborn Publishing on Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go... I have to do the final read through today before I can send it back to Kathy K.

MY BOOKS: I've also still been writing up notes on all the plots for all the stories that I have to write this year. Some are coming to me easy. Others not so much as I can't remember all the character names which means I have a lot of rereading, and sometimes I really don't like rereading my own workbecause I always seem to pick up places where I could have made it better, but I never want to be one of those authors that redo their own work and then put it back out for sale. I only plan on doing that for one book and I'm not even sure if  I will for sale it or put it out for free again... but that story is for a later date (Masters of Time 1: Shadows on the Heart).

I'm about to be a grandma soon, & once bub comes along I'll finally be able to settle back into writing again. right now we are all just waiting for Emily to pop her out (so to speak). Luckily she has had a pretty good pregnancy. I mean she might not think so but compared to some people she can't really complain. She's due at the end of the month.

Running on lack of sleep at the moment as we have roadworks happening near my place. they are upgrading a road that didn't even need doing as far as I can tell. The thing is now the Commonwealth Games Baton is due to be coming through our city in 11 days and now they are scrambling to finish a job that should never have been started. So most night we have noise & flashing lights from 4pm to 5am... who needs sleep these days?

Sunday 11 March 2018

Em's Turn

12 songs
from the 10's
Again another era with too many good songs to choose from.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Sunday 18 February 2018

Em's Turn

12 songs
from the 80's
Honestly... I could have done a whole month on just the 80's. So many great bands to choose from.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

No Sleep...

The sad thing is I can't even blame it on insomnia. I have roadworks happening on the corner near my house, but they've parked al their trucks right outside my bedroom window. So all night I get the noise, the smell, and the flashing lights of the whole thing... and if that's not enough, then there is Robson who thinks night time is the time to run all over my bed like a psycho and attack any part of me he can. I know he's a kitten and just wants to play, but god I can't wait for him to grow out of this stage.

I'm going downtown to cast my early vote today just so I don't have to go out on Saturday and deal with all the crowds... especially when I have my elderly mother with me. I hate having to vote when we haven't long done it before, but better to go out and do it than cop a fine for not. Mind you, I always say if you don't vote then you can't complain when the idiots get into government. because no one I know ever votes them in... or so they say... LOL... but that's enough about that.

Couldn't believe it when I heard teething gel (like Bonjela) can make you blow over on a Random Breath Test... I wouldn't have believed it but I saw it on the news this morning. A man had used Bonjela on an ulcer in his mouth and blew over the limit... I didn't see if they actually fined him or not... 

LESSON LEARNED: Be careful what you put in your mouth.

Monday 5 February 2018

1st Edits Done...

I just sent back the 1st edits for Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go... I hate to say it but I still suck at writing blurbs. I'm just hoping that me and Jamie DR are able to get them to make sense.

Until I get them back I'll go back to working on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses

That's in between family commitments... I actually enjoyed getting back into the whole writing schedule again. I've missed it. The problem is when I reread what I wrote in the two years I was absent not a whole lot of it makes sense, so most of it has to be rewritten.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Why Is It...

Why is it... something so simple can take me the longest fricken time to figure out the solution? the cat somehow managed to make my Facebook page so small I couldn't even read it... and it took me over an hour to work out how to get it to go back to normal. But at least I didn't let it beat me.

Why is it... when I'm busy both animals and my adult child vies for my attention so I have to stop what I'm meant to be doing and focus solely on them?

Why is it... I always put something in a safe place and then can never remember where that safe place is? 

Why is it... I go to the shops to buy one thing and come home with a whole carload full of stuff?

Why is it... the more I spring clean the messier my house seems to get? I think I should just do one room at a time. It might be safer that way.

Friday 2 February 2018

So... It's My Birthday

I've done my good deed for the day. I drove all the way to Toowoomba, (okay, so in reality, it's only 20 minutes away━but it's raining.) In Toowoomba, it's kinda foggy so not fun driving conditions at the best of times... anyway getting back on track... I was up there because my mum volunteered me to get some stuff for one of her friends at Respite, which I don't mind doing in the least. 

I cam home and spent the next little bit connecting my computer to my new printer... because low and behold I had to go and & buy the cords as they don't actually sell them with the printer... and I did not know that if one printer is connected wirelessly to our network I can't connect another... no matter what I tried━Hence the reason I had to go out and buy the cords... but at least it's working today.

I'm also still working on 1st round edits for Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Saturday 27 January 2018

Just When I Thought It Was Over

Today's post will be short & sweet as I have to keep an eye on Oliver... Just when I thought we had finished with the cat enclosure renovations, bloody Olli found another spot he's trying to escape from so now I'm going to have to get something and block it off. Why the incessant need to escape is beyond me. For now, I have solved the problem by sliding a couple of offcuts of ply along the top of the fence so he can't see the space anymore. Hopefully, it will fool him long enough until I can think of a permanent solution... or at least until I can get my hands on some supplies to close the gap off.

Thursday 25 January 2018

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Just Call Me Sucker...

I went to the vets yesterday to see about one of Olli's vaccinations that I missed, (okay, I may have totally forgotten about it). Still sad over losing Willow and the vet nurse, Karen hands me a homeless kitten. He just snuggled right in.

I promised myself I wasn't getting another cat and then walked out with a kitten... who my son-in-law named Robson (Robby for short━after Robson Green).

Olli thinks the kitten is his baby, he keeps trying to bath it. the kitten is fascinated with Olli's tail. At least it has lessened Olli's addiction to my feet.

All I'm going to say is: Shut up... it could happen to anyone.

Monday 22 January 2018

Sad Day Today

Had to say goodbye to my beautiful Willow
Her body just shut down after her brother died.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Saturday 20 January 2018

Signed A Contract

Moon Runners 2
I Won't Let You Go

Keeping A Diary

Yes, I have a diary. Except, mine is lime green so I can find it in the dark depths of my handbag. Why do I carry a diary, I hear you ask? I never used to, but lately, I find everyone seems to tell me their important dayes and want me to remind them so they don't forget. So now I have a diary and everyone has their own pen colour━even the animals have their own colours... lucky I have a shit load of different coloured pens at my disposal.

I also find that if I put a timely reminder of when I expect a book to be finished it gives me a kick in the arse to get my good self into gear and get the job done. I can hear you wondering why these other people don't have their own diaries... believe it or not some of them do. I just think it comes down to I'm the reliable one who always remembers and then is there to remind others.

Mind you, I find it a lot easier to write appointments straight down now instead of collecting all the appointment cards and then losing them, so I forget to turn up. I usually pencil everything in and then change it to pen once I'm home. and I can write it a lot neater and in more detail as to what the appointment is for. Even if it's just to remind me that I have a coffee/tea date with someone in Toowoomba.

Friday 19 January 2018

Weekly Update

Of course, I'm still behind on my wordage, but I'm catching up and doing better than I thought I'd be. Mind you, I'd be doing a lot better if I didn't keep having to stop and going off to do other things... 

Like today, for instance, I have to take my mother to have her hearing aids tested. It's the maintenance checkup that's done every year. So we have to go all the way to Toowoomba to get them done. 

Also, Emily has run out of clothes that fit. So she needs a few more things to tide her over until the end of the pregnancy. I have learned this is not something I'm supposed to chuckle about as she gets very upset about it.

Other than that life is hunky-dory. My back is still a touch on the sore side, but hey, no use complaining about it. I'll catch you all next week and fill you in on what's going on.

Thursday 18 January 2018

Cat Update & Gardens

Firstly, Shut up Leigh... I can talk about them if I want to... LOL. The cat enclosure is finally finished. So Olli (Oliver) hopefully can't escape. He's enjoying having his freedom to run around the yard. Mind you he's spending most of his time lying in the garden bed. I watered this morning so it's nice and cool. I think he likes spying on the dogs next door. He's only tried to escape about twenty or so times and hasn't found a way out so all is good so far. Though, his new fun game is to catch the garden skinks (lizards) and bring them to me alive as presents. So I have to catch and release them back into the garden.

Even Willow's enjoying being able to be outdoors again. She has stolen Olli's bed, but he doesn't mind as he prefers to sleep on the chairs. I'm hoping now they won't run around the house like crazy and annoy the crap out of me. Also good to have their litter tray outside again. I'm sure Olli has a game where he sees how far he can fling the litter each time he does his business. 

Now I just have to concentrate on replacing a few of my plants that died, and putting in the last of my garden beds, but I'll wait for the worst of summer to be over before I even attempt that. If I don't I'll have to pay too much out in water rates to maintain them to keep them alive in the heat.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Random Thoughts

Okay, so today's random thoughts are really about writing━my writing.

I've just spent the first two weeks when time permitted going through The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses... trying to make sense of what I had written. Some of it I'm like seriously, wtf were you thinking? Even I had no clue where the story was going, but hopefully, now I have that all sorted out. So from now on everything should run more smoothly. 

I'm hoping most of the other stories that I already have wordage in aren't in the same way. It would drive me bonkers if I have to rework everything... at least it's given me the chance to delete quite a few overused words... now they won't get picked up during edits and I won't feel as bad... my luck there'll be another word I've overused instead...LOL.

I bought myself a yearly planner to try and keep myself on track. and it will keep me motivated if I can see it all the time. I'll be able to mark things off as I go along.

On another note... I'm off to the doctor today I have to have a Whooping Cough Vaccination needle before Grace is born. I'll get the Dr to check my back out because I woke up yesterday morning and could hardly move.... still bloody sore.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Doyle Kerwin

Series Title: The Lines of Marsden
Books: First Line
Name: Doyle Kerwin (Carleah)
Age: 21 (at time of turning
Species: Vampire
Realm: SE Queensland, Australia
Hair Colour/Type/Length: Black, Just below his ears, and perpetually in a messy state.
Eye Colour/Shape: Hazel
Skin colour Type Pale
Scars/Blemishes: N/A
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 97Kg
Clothing preferred: Jeans, sneakers, t-shirts. He really doesn’t have any fashion sense unless someone else picks out his clothes.
Mannerisms: Doyle is the type of person who will who tries to keep the peace if he can—though he will hold a grudge if someone pisses him off enough. He's kind of quiet and somewhat withdrawn and keeps his feelings close to his chest. Except when it comes to Michael after book 2 that relationship flies on a whole new level.
Favourite Colour: Earthen colours (browns & greens)
Favourite Food: Spaghetti Bolognaise
Favourite Drink: Coke or Coffee
Favourite Band: Good Charlotte
Favourite Books: Sherrilyn Kenyon: Dark Hunter Series
Favourite Movie: Lethal Weapon
Notes: One he knows he’s an omega, he takes his role within the pack and coven to heart and helps where he can. His ability to see mating strands/threads/connections goes a long way in helping him resolve issues or set people on the right paths for them to be on. Doyle is the glue that binds everyone together.