Tuesday 3 December 2019

Okay, this is it.

Today  I'm still sick as all get-go, but I managed to drive myself and my 87-year-old mother to the doctor to get checked out... Good news is, it's just the flu, and mine hasn't turned into bronchitis like last year... Bad news is, we now have a ton of medication to take and it makes me as drowsy as hell. So hopefully now, I'll be on the mend.

Even though I haven't been able to concentrate enough to actually write. I have managed to fill in some of my spreadsheets and update my character profiles. Currently, I'm working on the preternatural universe that revolves around Sons of Evenmore and will eventually involve the beginning and end of the timeline = Pack Matters & Watson Falls.

I'm still waiting o hear back from my editor about two projects and expected timelines. As soon as I know the answer I can basically work out in which order I want to write everything next year. If I don't hear back from her soon I'll email her again. Christie N is actually in the midst of editing The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses for me. I'm hoping to start writing again as soon as I get rid of my damn headache and my eyes stop watering.

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