Saturday 18 January 2020

Grandkids, gotta love them.

Yes, that evil little grin was an omen as to how our shopping day was going to pan out. I know I am to blame for some of it as agreed to let her go into the PJ Mask adventure playground they had at the shopping mall (it's still school holidays here in Australia). I just didn't understand how much of a fight a 22-month-old little girl could put up when it was time to leave said adventure playground and finish our shopping.

Oh My God. She screamed from one end of the mall to the other. Not only that... she kept trying to throw herself out of the trolley to get back to the adventure playground. If Emily could have run off and left me with Grace I bet she would have.

I got gypped I tells you. $9 later Grace finally stops crying when she has  PJ Mask ball and a PJ Mask colouring book. $9 well spent in my opinion→ way cheaper than the shoes she was crying for. Am I teaching her bad habits? Probably. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. I have never heard anything like it, and once upon a time, I worked in childcare. 

Though next time they have something like that at the mall, I'm staying well clear of it or letting her parents take her. For starters, she was too little to be in there with the other kids and they kept knocking her down. And for the number of kids in there, there were only about three things to play on, so it was a disaster from the start.

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