Wednesday 29 January 2020

Why is it?

1) Why is it when you think you have everything under control something comes along to kick you up the arse and throw a spanner in the works?

2) Why is it when you clean your house (declutter) you always end up with a bigger mess than when you started? And always find things that you have no clue why you even have them?

3) Why is it when you have to do something that's good for you, you procrastinate and always put it off?

4) Why is it that new story ideas suddenly jump into your mind at 3 A.M. and won't leave you alone until you get up and write them down?

5) Why is it you can search and search for something, and the moment you no longer need it you find it sitting right out in the open?

6) Why is it if you have cats in the house they think they are the rulers of the whole household, and we live only to serve them? 5A.M. every morning Robson believes it's time to get up and he needs his breakfast.

7) Why is it when my mum is watching the tennis do they have to screech (not all, but some) every time they hit a ball? That noise drives me bonkers.

8) Why is it that my character in my current WIPS keep changing the storylines on me, making me go back and re-do whole sections?

9) Why is it so hard to reconnect with people on social media? I really need to get back into this so I can work on the whole self-promo thing.

10) Why is it already feeling like 2020 is flying by? We're almost at the end of the first month.

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