Showing posts with label ME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ME. Show all posts

Friday 21 October 2022

I've Never Felt So Tired

Okay, at the moment I'm looking after my brother and sister-in-law's chickens while they are away on holiday. It's been raining here nearly the whole time so it's been a bit crazy weather-wise.

Also, my daughter and her family have been moving house... so I have been helping pack and unpack their belongings. I thought I had a lot of possessions, but I have nothing on them. At least the new house doesn't seem to have the mold problem that the old place had━well, it hasn't shown it thus far. The new house also has enough bedrooms for them all to have one of their own, and for the kids to have a toy room.

My granddaughter's strawberries have finally started fruiting, so she is going to be happy. She loves gardening with Grandma, but we have to move our veg patch into pot plants. as the side of the hill isn't working for us. Grace and I aren't the most coordinated of people.

I've been working on The 1st book in The Brothers McCrieve series. It has the main characters of  Justice McCrieve and Josaphine "Josie" Brookes. I'm not sure where it's going just yet, but I'm thinking I like the flow so far. It's going to be one of those books where there's a crossover with other series.

This song has been stuck in my head for days. So I thought I'd share it with you all. I have no clue why other than it's an awesome song. But it's kind of been driving me nuts. I'm hoping this will at least free it from my head and make room for

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Just Checking In...

I've had the worst year so far that I've ever had. I can't even blame it on Covid 19touch wood that’s something I haven't yet had.

My migraines have been getting steadily worse. I'm going this week to see if it is a problem with my glasses. Maybe I'm due for a new prescription.

I've also been having a lot of trouble with my back and my upper arms...Yay!!! The joys of growing old. some would say 53 (almost 54) isn't old, but some days I feel 153.

Living in our rental as we have been since Christmas has been great. I even started a vegetable patch. The only problem with that is, I have to compete with the wildlife. They are so cute, I can't even be mad at them.

This year it seems like every time I turn around one of my family is ill. I went for a month at one stage where it felt like I was washing puked on things every single day. I know... I know... too much information. And yet, none of it was because of Covid 19━just the regular old flu. I swore if I started seeing an abundance of crows I was taking off because I'd seen 'The Stand' and I know how this was going to end. Luckily, everyone recovered.

Though I may not have had the chance to physically and mentally sit down and spend quality time writing. I did spend spare moments, scribbling notes for new story ideas. Trust me I have a whole passel of new ideas. some are MM some are MF. they range from sci-fi to Paranormal, to bikers, to small-town life, to dystopian. Pretty eclectic. Not sure what I'll work on first. Just know that I'll fix my writing list on here next year.

With me getting the rights back on my MLRPress books, I'm at a loss as to what I'm going to do with them just yet, and honestly, the end of this year is booked up with family (mostly doctor appointments). So I promise to think about it all next year. I do know I also want to branch out writing-wise next year and I hope I actually find the time to do just that.

My mum and both my cats (Oliver & Robson) are all doing okay. Though RobbyDobbs is as crazy as ever. His latest trick is to get as close as he can and silently fart, before running off. I swear he's laughing his arse off each and every time he does it.

I've also been trying to declutter some more of the house again. If I haven't used it since moving in, then I obviously don't need it. I'm just trying to simplify my life. better touch access. Someone (me) may or may not have been watching those let's get organized shows on Netflix... Mind you, I broke 3 of my new canisters in the first week. I so suck at this stuff.

Monday 28 February 2022

What the heck, Huey?

This week has been a doozy for wet weather, and they tell us it isn't over yet. It started raining just like any other normal rainy day. That is until the water started rising and I began to wonder if this was 2011 repeating itself... especially when Granthan went under again. I no longer live in Gatton so I wasn't close to that raging river of water this time, but even where I'm living now in Regency Downs we had our own fair share of rising water. This is a pic taken by a resident of the way into our little neck of the woods... I can't stress more IF IT'S FLOODED - FORGET IT. The number of people still willing to risk not only their lives but the lives of those who then have to come and rescue them. If you can't see the damn road how the hell do you know it's even still there? Too many times like in Grantham the whole road top gets washed away. Our SES people have better things to do than rescue people who have no regard for their own safety... but instead are out there saving people from rooves of their cars when they get stranded in the floodwater.

This is what lies between my place and where my sister lives. So there is no getting to her until the water goes down. Another thing I really don't understand is all the people playing in the water like it's some great thing. Don't they realise the dangers that could be in there... snakes and other deadly animals for one thing, but there is probably sewage as well, and these━dare I even call them non-thinkers━are frolicking about like they're at a pool party. It annoys the hell out of me, especially when they are adults. what kind of example are they setting for the kids. I know... I know... I sound like some old hypocrite that probably did the exact same thing when I was younger. Well, you would be wrong because my mother would have kicked my arse if I did anything so bloody stupid.

Then to top it all off this happened today. We have our first bit of sunshine and on the FaceBook community noticeboard, they tell us we can get out if we take a roundabout route. So thinking I better get our medication while we can, because we are due to get more rain over the coming days. My daughter came and picked me up. went and got the supplies no worries, (so I'm all good on that front). I said to my daughter it's starting to rain you better get the kids home while you can. That was a big fat NEGATIVE GHOSTRIDER. Poor Emily got bogged. We put a call out on the community noticeboard, and within minutes had a brigade of people around to help free the car so she and the three kids (all under the age of 4) could get home to their animals... BEST COMMUNITY EVER. I won't be getting out any time soon, but I know I can just walk up my drive now and there will be someone waiting at the end if I need a lift anywhere.

The flooding is all over the SE of Queensland and heading into Northern NSW. I hope everyone in the water's path stays safe and looks after each other if you can. Remember, it's not just the human populace who need help, it's all the poor animals who don't have a voice of their own.

It's not bad enough we still have Covid running rampant across the world (thinking of my Kuzmic family in Tasmania who are in isolation now. get better soon. I hope it doesn't get worse.) We also have wars around the world that I'm not even sure why people are fighting? I just know a lot of innocent people are getting hurt so some people can... Yeah, I don't know what they're doing. The world needs a freaking break from all the bullshit it's been/going through.

On that note, I will away, for all those people in affected areas... Take care and stay safe.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Still Under The Weather


I'm still not feeling 100%, but I'm struggling on. My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton wool, and my bones are aching... So sad to say I think I may have a touch of Ross River Fever again. Not helping that the hot flushes are hitting me hard and fast these days. Thank God in the unpacking we found Mum's hand fan or we'd be stuffed... because hot flushes need something extra even when the air con is on.

Let's talk about stupid things that have happened to us recently. Okay, a new bank card comes in the mail. I think it's a little early... but okay. Read the instructions. Cut up the old card and start using it straight away... Done and done... Maybe I should have read the letter a little better as it wasn't even my card. well it was, but it was my card, but the one for my mum's account. So not even thinking about it I cut up my card for my account and then can't fathom why the hell the card won't work for me. I mean I was putting in the right pin number... MORAL TO THIS STORY: Always read the whole letter. Always make sure you're cutting up the right card. then you won't have to do as I had to and go to the bank and explain what an idiot I was and could the please send me out a replacement card.

I have a wardrobe. I got it off my daughter. I actually bought it for her about 2 years ago. one of the doors was locked and never opened. The key that came with the cupboard just wouldn't open it. So when I moved house, my daughter told me I could have the wardrobe set back. I was changing the handles on it and I was trying to figure out a way for the locked door to open. Would I have to take off the lock and replace it? Maybe just spraying it with DW-40 might loosen it enough to open. I had a thought to try the key for Mum's led light cupboard. I mean what was the harm it would either work or it wouldn't. After two years the door is finally open. Mum's key opened it right up. My key opened her leadlight so I just swapped them.

Just for shits and giggles, I counted the steps in my driveway while putting the wheelie bin out today. 200 up and 200 back. Plus, it's on an incline. So, I get a bit of a workout each time I have to walk it. On that note, I have run out of things to talk about to say. My medication is kicking in, and I'll probably be asleep early tonight. 

Until next time... Take care and stay safe.

Saturday 22 January 2022

Randomness of Me


I've slowly been working on The Connelly Chronicle 3: Because of You... It's taken a turn I didn't see coming. So now I have to figure out where the hell I'm going and try and get back to the ending I need for the next book.

I've also been unwell for the last little bit (not Covid related). More my ears, my back, my legs, and my migraines. So I've been trying to take it easy for the last month. Trying not to go anywhere or do anything if I don't have to. So instead I've been slowly setting up the new place, and moving things around so they are easier for my mum.

Also, have a lot of maintenance stuff happening through the real estate, So I've had to be home for that. Been watching the wildlife a lot, and trying to find my whipper snipper cord... yeah, I have no clue where I put it. I'll find it when I'm not looking for it at all.

We've had a bit of rain here over the last couple of weeks, mainly just drizzle, but a couple of good sowers in between. I love the rain, it always makes everything smell so clean and fresh. My cats love sitting on the verandah and watching the rain.

Weirdly since being here, I have found I love mopping the floor. each time it seems to get a little shinier. It'll never be perfect as it is scratched all over from previous tenants, and has like weird light white footprints. I assume someone stepped in paint and couldn't quite clean it up properly or something as they are perfectly formed but they don't exactly look like paint either on the floor in random spots throughout the house. I'm just going to tell people a ghost left them there━better than I have no clue how they got there; they were here when I moved in. Though, the way my cat stares at the wall. I'm starting to believe there are ghosts here.

I have to buy some curtains for my bedroom before winter gets here or else I'll freeze. So that's the next thing on my shopping list. I just made a list of things I need to buy and mark them off as I get them. Seems the simplest way to do it to me.

Sunday 16 January 2022

Halfway Through January Already...


The month is half over and so much has happened. For starters, Mum and I have moved house yet again. we are living out in the bush again. We have neighbours, but we are surrounded by nature as well and so many birds.

We moved the week leading up to Christmas, but I've only just organized the internet for the new place. I can finally say I have finished unpacking━which was a drama in itself seeing as I had a sore back for the whole move. I have to thank my son-in-law, Elliot, his friend, Shane, and my nephew, Jared for moving all of our stuff to the new place for us.

It's taking a little bit to find the perfect spots for everything, but we'll get there eventually. Just when I thought I was in the clear with my back I was cleaning the blinds at the new place and re-hurt it. so today I've taken my painkillers and I'm taking it easy, hopefully, it will be better tomorrow.

The cats seemed to have handled the move with ease, which worried me at first, but they have both found their places to relax and play. I love the house has wooden floors throughout, easy to clean. Now I'm getting the yard in order. Luckily for me, there isn't much to mow, and not much of a garden to speak of. I'm just doing the jobs a little at a time. No sense in wearing myself out. Also don't want to stuff my back up completely.

Now that I've found my computer again, I'll also start back on my writing schedule. I'll give you another update in the next few days.

Sunday 5 December 2021

So This Happened


We had a bit of a storm last night and the wind picked up the neighbour's tree and tossed it through the back fence. I just happened to be standing in the kitchen and saw it all happen. Now we have to wait for the insurance companies to come out and do their thing, but who knows how long it will take them to actually get out to inspect everything. I daresay, we aren't the worst ones hit in the wild winds. It was like the wind picked the tree up - twisted it, and then tossed it straight through the fence. Other than the fence, it caused no major damage -  thank God.

Also, had to help clip this little trouble-maker's (Salt) wing, to stop her from escaping over the fence. I know you're thinking she could just walk through the great big hole the tree made in the back fence. The truth is the girls mainly stick to the front yard, and my sister-in-law and I've done a dodgy fix it job until we can get the fence fixed properly, to keep the chickens in and other animals out. Though with the wind building up again today I don't know how long it's going to last, (Apparently not long - I just had to go out mid-post with my sister-in-law and fix our patch job). We also had to give Salt a bit of a wash down - hence the reason she looks wet while sitting in my hands.

Just in case you're wondering, this is the awesome patch job we've done until the insurance company can come out and do its thing. It's a hodge-podge of old fencing panels and other bits and pieces zip-tied together with a rake and other bits and pieces helping hold it all up... LOL... It doesn't have to work forever - it just has to work for right now.

The rest of my jobs today involve cleaning out the kitchen cupboards, drawers, and fridge/freezer. going through stuff to see what I want to keep and what can go to the op shop... 2022 is going to be the year I get minimalistic. The reality is - if I'm not using it - why the hell am I holding on to it? I could give it to a charity shop where other people can find a new home for it.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Quick Update

Today I have a massive headache. Not sure if it's just a headache━the start of another migraine━or has to do with the perforation in my right ear. I'm off to the doctor today, so maybe he'll be able to give me something to alleviate it.

On a writing note: I finally finished going through the already written wordage I have on The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You, and fixing a few things here and there. Now, I'm actually on to writing the last 47K of the story.

Also at the same time, I'm re-reading the whole Wardens of the Guild series... Sad to say I need to refresh my memory on where I was actually heading with this story. I seem to have lost the plot notes━I had them written in longhand━hence the reason I need to re-read everything, so I can finish writing #4: Gilded Cages.

Monday 22 November 2021

Almost Done...


I have 4K to go on Misty River 1: The Calm to my Storm. So I should be finished by Wednesday at the latest. I won't say it will be a completed manuscript as it is all written in scenes. I'll have to go back and rearrange them, and link them all together so they make sense for the reader. I also need to add a few more intimate details... I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It has been fun writing this book. Even though in parts it has taken on a darker path than I normally write.

Today I'm off to swimming lessons with my two granddaughters> Grace and Harper. Then I'll come home and do some more writing and get a little further ahead.

It's raining here again today. so it's definitely going to be another indoors day for me. We've been doing yard work in between the showers. Everything is starting to look really nice. It should all look lovely by Christmas time. Okay, on that note I will talk to you all on a whole other day.

Sunday 21 November 2021

Time Out


I took the time out while writing to just sit, and this is what was happening right in front of me. These things were flying everywhere and some were mating others where I assume laying eggs in holes in wood. I just can't believe I actually managed to take a couple of pictures before this amorous couple flew away. They were actually sitting on the concrete at my feet... and when he was done with whatever round I saw, the one on top picked the other up and flew away and landed in the grass a little ways out from where I was sitting.

I'm not sure if you can see it in the picture but if you zoom in you can see the bottom one is carrying a shit-ton of eggs. It was amazing to watch, as the one on top, its wings were moving so fast. I sat there for at least 45 minutes watching them before they flew off. The whole experience was actually mesmerizing, as I've never actually seen anything like it before.

IN OTHER NEWS: I have just under 10K to go on my NaNoWriMo> Misty River 1: Calm to my Storm. I will be glad when I'm finished, so I can get back what I'm actually supposed to be writing. I still have to try and finish off. The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You, & Wardens of the Gild 4: Gilded Cages for 2021.

Friday 19 November 2021

Still Feeling Like Crap


Don't let the cuteness fool you. Robson was a pain in the arse all night long and kept waking me up. Really I can't totally blame my shitty night on him. The medicine I'm on for my ears is giving me wicked hot flushes and I feel like I have a heartbeat in my ear... But hopefully, all of this will be worth it and the perforation in my ear will heal fast.

I have found an editor for my work that needs redoing... her name is Leigh Walker. I think we are going to work well together. And I've had some wonderful Authors helping me with trying to figure out how to self-publish> Lynn Lorenz, Kathleen Kelly, and Bronwyn Heeley. I know I'll have more questions for them at some stage in the future. So for right now, I thank them all dearly.

I've to first figure out how to set up my author page on Amazon. Apparently, I already had one. I just needed to update it━a lot. But that's the first part done. I've to learn to become better at self-promotion. because currently I totally suck at it. I'll probably have to get tips from someone on how to do it.

I've Tracey Soxie Weston is going to hopefully work on some new covers for me. So I feel like I've everything back on track. I now can go through and change what needs changing and get them back out as fast as possible... for the most part, I know they're okay, there are just a couple I need to fix.

Monday 15 November 2021

If I Was Smarter


I woke up this morning and could have slapped my own head. Why you ask? Because it hit me at 34K into my NaNoWriMo, if I was smarter, I would have started writing a story that actually had something to do with one of the four series I plan on writing next year. It would have at least gotten one of the books off of my list. But, did I? No, not me. I'm writing the first book in a completely different series.

I'm just going to blame it on the fact that I was excited to be writing again that I didn't even think through my plans all that well. And, this isn't even a series I can incorporate into next year's lot, because all of those ones will eventually cross paths.

My ears are still out of whack, but I'm headed to the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some antibiotics & drops to clear everything up. At least they're not hurting, they just feel weird... but I'm used to it as I've had bad ears my whole life.

My mum is 89 and she got a bee in her bonnet yesterday, and I had to put up our Christmas decorations for her. Not that we have a lot because we have two cats (Oliver and Robson) who would just shred anything too elaborate. Especially, Robson, he's my devil cat.

Okay, I'm off now to get some more writing done.

Saturday 13 November 2021

I Feel Like Sh!t Today

I feel like total sh!t today. My ears are out of whack. At the moment it is only in the right one, but that could all change. On top of that, all my bones seem to be aching. Especially, in the lower part of my spine.

So today, I have been taking things very slowly. I have been a little dizzy each time I move. I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday, for my bi-annual check-up. I'll figure what's the go then. Until Tuesday, I'll just take it easy.

At least I did manage to write some on NaNoWriMo to keep my daily writing in check. And I worked out what I want to try and work on for next year WIPS wise... I've chosen 4 series that will crossover throughout, the year. They should keep me busy. Plus, I'll still write my one The Connelly Chronicles 4: Just Good Friends to keep that story going.  The 4 series I'll work on will be as follows:

Brother McCrieve MC (6 books)
Mountain Made (6 books)
Quaide's Crossing (6 books)
Rebel Rousers MC (6 books)

Friday 12 November 2021

Crazy Weather


The weather has been muggy as hell here lately. We had a bit of a thunderstorm yesterday. It has been raining on and off for the last couple of days. Luckily, I got the mowing done... I had to actually do it during one of the lighter showers. Though, it's put a bit of a damper on us finishing the garden.

I've just spent freaking hours looking for one of my stories... It just disappeared from my computer, and all the places I stored it. I finally remembered sending it in for submission. So, my saving grace was being able to go back through my emails and resave what I had sent... The question is ━How the hell did I lose the whole manuscript?

I'm going to have to be more careful and make sure everything is where it should be before 2022 rolls around. Gonna need to buy some storage devices to start having extra places so I can't lose my stuff. It makes me tired when I think of all the hours of work I would have lost if the manuscript would have been gone for good.

Okay, I'm off to do a bit of writing now.

Friday 5 November 2021

Just When I thought...


Just when it looked like we were at the end of unloading all the topsoil. My sister-in-law and I decided to start on the next project. Which has us unloading ute loads more until we are once more done... By the time 2022 gets here our yard is going to look completely different (in a good way).

I'm at 10K on my NaNoWriMo project> Misty River 1: Calm in the Storm. I'm happy that I am a little ahead of schedule there. It's getting me back into the swing of writing. So I know if I can get this done, then I can definitely finish The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You by December 31st

I have to duck downtown this morning and pick up a few groceries for both parts of our household. I want to get there before it gets too hot for walking. I enjoy my time as I walk downtown as it gives me a chance to sort through some of the issues my characters are having in their stories and trust me right now they have some issues...LOL.

I'm still getting myself organised to begin writing fully in 2022. I'm trying to set everything up so that it's easier on me. I really want to reach all of my writing goals in 2022. Not that I know what they are as yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do. When I do I'll once more use my WordPress blog purely as my writing blog.

Tuesday 2 November 2021



This year for NaNoWriMo, I'm writing the first draft of my new series Misty River 1: Calm in the Storm. This is the book I'm feeling at the moment. My main characters are Travis Hendrix & Carli Voss. I'm happy to announce that on day two I'm ahead in my wordage. Let's hope it stays that way.

My draft will be written in scenes and then at the end, I'll go back and link them all together in the right sequence. So the story makes sense. In my head, it makes perfect sense. I just need it to do the same for my readers.

Still working on cleaning out my Dropbox. It feels like a never-ending job some days. Just when I think I have a plan of action, something comes along to derail it. I absolutely hate it being so cluttered and disorganized. 

It's all overcast here again today, so we might be in for some more rain. At least I managed to get the mowing done. We also got all the topsoil down in preparation for the new sod which is coming tomorrow. The yard will look so different grassed again, and not all patchy.

On that note, I will away as I need to get back and do some more writing. Talk to you all again soon.

Saturday 30 October 2021

Today I Am...


Today I am still trying to sort out the mess my Dropbox has become. I have no clue how I let it become so messed up. But over today and tomorrow, I need to get it cleared out and set up for next year. I don't want to find myself in this position again. I feel like I'm losing my mind while going through everything as I sometimes have the same thing saved multiple times. why the hell would I do that? now I'm reading through everything to see if they are different. I know I can tell by the date which is the latest version, but not which is the best version. I must have kept them all for a reason, right?

Also still doing yard work with my brother, and sister-in-law, I think we still have at least one more ute load of dirt to unload before the sod arrives this week. I can tell you my armpits are sore from shoveling it all and for some reason the backs of my thighs. It will be well worth it once it is all done.

Today I'm cooking Silverside, sloppy peas, mashed potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and white sauce for lunch. I can't wait it's going to be delicious. It already smells wonderful, and I've only just started cooking it.

I'm tired today. I've been having crappy nights of sleep of late. we've had a few thunderstorms. I've also had restless cats who think nighttime is the best time to wrestle in the middle of my bed. It has also been freaking hot as Hades here.

I also have to find the time this week to mend my granddaughter's toy dog. Each of them has a replica of the same toy dog I had as a child. They are probably the same age as mine (50 years old), but Gracie needs it to take to her other nana's house. So it looks like I will need to track down my sewing kit and fix poor MD3 up for her.

Friday 29 October 2021

I Just Can't Win (Part 2)


Sometimes I just suck at adulting. Last week I went grocery shopping and lost my car keys, and had to backtrack through all the shops until I found where I'd left them.

This week I went grocery shopping and lost my damn phone. Luckily, either the cleaner found it or someone handed it into the cleaner and I managed to get it back. I fricken hate that with my headaches, my mind seems to be all over the place.

What the hell am I going to lose next week? They say it always happens in threes. The question is how long will it take me to find it?

Other than that I have been working on my schedule for  2022. As in making up a working calendar, so I can mark everything off and try and keep myself on track.

Also been doing a bit of yard work with my brother & sister-in-law, trying to get it all done before the summer heat hits us full-on. Summer would have to be my least favourite season of the year. I much prefer the cooler months of the year.

I'm finally getting my car serviced on Tuesday. My poor baby needs it. Not that she's sounding tired or anything, but I have neglected her of late, and it's her time to get pampered.

Okay, I'm off, as I have to get back to work on some more of my new story ideas... meaning I have to type up the notes and work on the synopsis... find character inspirational pictures. I'll talk to you all again on a whole other day.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

I Just Can't Win...


Seriously, for some weird reason, they stopped making the Throaties that I usually like to use. So I ended up getting some orange-flavoured Soothers and got slammed with the worst fricken headache/migraine ever. Today the doctor tells me, yeah, maybe I shouldn't take any more throat lozenges. Especially,  if they're of the hard variety because there's something in them that just doesn't agree with me. Now I have the strong migraine tablets, so hopefully, it will knock it on its head. Plus, I might shave my hair off again and see if that will ease the pressure some.

I want to sleep. But know if I sleep the day away, I won't sleep tonight and it will roll over into me winding up with insomnia, which is something I'd like to avoid at all costs.

I'm still working on organising all of my WIPS for next year's writing schedule. Not sure if I'm getting anywhere with them, but at least they are making more sense to me. Right now, I'm working on Angellom Hall notes.

Today I helped my brother fix the screen door (& by helped I mean I stood there and watched as he did all the work). He had to put on new rollers and re-hang it back up. It's good that the door isn't just leaning up against the wall of the front veranda now. Why I hear you ask? Because it means my brother who has cancer was well enough to do it, and he was sick like he has been for so long.

Well, it's time for me to go now as I have to get my mum's lunch organised (seeing as I am her carer). I cooked a beautiful spaghetti bolognese. I enjoy cooking, especially if it's something I like. I won't say I'm a great cook. I'm more a hungry man's/woman/s cook. Plain edible food.

Thursday 21 October 2021

About To Rain Again

 It's going to be raining again today, we are slotted for another storm. The sky is getting all dark and cloudy. I'm hoping it won't hit until later this afternoon so that the chickens have enough time to run around and stretch their legs before they all have to hunker down in the garden. My brother and sister-in-law might be home later today. The chicken will go ballistic when they see them, especially the two that just adore my brother. If they aren't home today they'll be home tomorrow.

Sheesh, I was in the middle of watching a show when my mum (who is almost 90 & has dementia) walks in and turns over the tv to what she wanted to watch. Oh, the joys of being a carer. I don't watch a lot of tv, but when I do I'd like to be able to finish the show.

Today I gotta buy a cord that goes from my phone to my tablet and then figure out how to get the photos off my phone. It shouldn't be too hard━I hope. They just take up too much room on my phone. I wish I was more cluey about this sort of stuff.

With the weather alternating between wet & dry for the past week, I think I'm getting a sore throat again. I'm hoping that I don't get as sick as I did last time. I've already started on soothers and hopefully, that will knock it on its head before it actually turns into a cough as I don't want to pass it onto my mother like I did last time, as she still hasn't fully recovered. It messed with her hearing, which we are still getting treated.

I'm still cleaning out my Dropbox and going through everything━cleaning out the crap and only keeping the stuff I think I'll actually work on. I still had stuff on there from some of my old publishing houses━just taking up room. I won't get rid of it, just move it all to a USB or my external hard drive, because you never know when you might need it in the future. I want to be more minimalist (not sure if that is the right word) maybe proficient might be better in 2022 when it comes to my writing, and I want to be able to find stuff in my Dropbox without going hunting for it all the damn time.